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how should i go about this

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i have known this girl for about 6 months now. we have come to be good friends and we talk just about on a daily basis and try do stuff together. i feel like i have fallen in love with her, and think she may feel the same way, and i want to take it to the next step, but i dunno how i should do it since i might hurt a great friendship. so if anyone could give me some good advice it would be helpful..

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Well, my opinion, you need to decide if risking it is worth it first off. Chances are if you feel a little bit like she's diggin you, she probably is, at least a little bit, and I'll tell you another thing, girls aren't usual at spending quality time with boys they don't have interest in. I might be wrong though, it's just not usual. I say ask her when you are ready. Sorry if I didn't help much.

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I had the same situation once and I wrote this poem!


People always say that friendships should be treasured.


But I want something more with her.


My love for her could never be measured.


I only wish she could see how I feel.


So I wonder, what can I do?


Can I just be friends with her?


Or can I say to her, "I'm falling for you,"


And lose her friendship forever?


So is there any hope here or I should let my love for her end?


No matter how it all turns out, I'll always be her friend.


Well, my opinion, you need to decide if risking it is worth it first off. Chances are if you feel a little bit like she's diggin you, she probably is, at least a little bit, and I'll tell you another thing, girls aren't usual at spending quality time with boys they don't have interest in. I might be wrong though, it's just not usual. I say ask her when you are ready. Sorry if I didn't help much.
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Look if you have feelings for her your friendship isn't ever going to be the same anyway.. If she dates someone else you will be jealous.. but you won't show it so it will eat you up... Just do yourself a favor and ask her how she feels about it.. what her feelings for you are.... DOn't think that you are going to lose the friendship because you basically have now... Most people who start off as friends normally have great relationlships....

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