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like my friend bt im nt sure im or she are ready or willing.

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hey guys.


i have a friend who has had it rough these past few months.she lost her best friend because a guy whm the best mate was dating was extremely harsh to her and the best mate took the guy's side.i still think she is hurtin from that trauma.


on top,the group of friends she had have disappeared mainly because she changed schools and has found it hard to make time for them.the group just havent bothered to catch up.


i thought that it was the right thing to do to keep in contact and establish that i was there should she need me.


this rather unfortunate event happened just as i was breaking up with my first love, a very painful experience for me.im just starting to resume normal life.i talked alot to my friend during this time.


although we dont talk that often due to our busy lives,ive managed to stay reasonably in touch.ive just realised that shes very attractive and nice and well...i like her in THAT way.


im not sure if she likes me that way at all.she may think im just a good friend.personaly,im not sure if i should go after a relationship after just getting over the last one.


im just not sure.any advice welcome.merry xmas and happy new year to all.

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I'd say if there is no outside influence, like current bf/gf's why not keep in touch to see what's up?


She is keeping in touch with you and you are not geting any bad vibes from her so I'd keep it going!

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Well if your still hurtin over your last relationship, I would say wait a while until you feel like your ready to start dating. Right now, I think IMO its not the best time to start a relationship, because it seems that she is going through a hard time right now. So I say give it some time before you decide to pursue your relationship with her.

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