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met someone new and exciting but what to do about current relationship?

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i am a 24 year old male currently in a long-distance relationship that has been sucessful for 2+ years. I have been having doubts and second thoughts about the direction of the relationship and it just so happens that I have recently met a co-worker and we immediately hit it off.


i guess what i'm looking for is some advice on how to handle the new girl. Do i have to tell my

girlfriend? should i feel guilty that i have met someone new and enjoy spending time with this girl? is it bad to get to know the new girl while keeping my current girlfriend "in the dark"?the co-worker i met is in the same situation except her relationship is local, not long distance.

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Although you've "been having doubts and second thoughts about the direction of the relationship" that has 1. successful? 2. long distance for 2+ YEARS (perhaps the priesthood is an option?) you are reluctant to to simply end it.



I think I know why, and don't blame you: Security.



But let's face it, at 24 yrs old, you're far from being committed to ANY relationship, much less the long distance thing. Cut it loose. The sooner the better you'll feel about you're new girl, and probably a few others. Finally, you'll be giving Long Distance the opportunity she deserves to find someone else.

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Hey, you already know the answers, right? But let me help a little...


Do i have to tell my girlfriend?


You don't HAVE to do anything except pay taxes and die. Everything else is a choice.


Should i feel guilty that i have met someone new and enjoy spending time with this girl?


No, you should never feel guilty about making new friends or enjoying spending time with them.


is it bad to get to know the new girl while keeping my current girlfriend "in the dark"?

Well, it's not bothering me. It might bother your GF that you are trying out a replacement, though.


Hey, I've got a crazy idea. How about telling your LDR GF the same thing you have told us - that you have met a new girl and enjoy spending time with her. And also that you have been having doubts about your LDR. I mean this quite seriously. The truth can be a powerful and beautiful thing, and you may come to a new level of understanding and intimacy with your LDR GF. I'm sure you're man enough to take the risk that she will not approve.

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It comes down to one thing that everyone who has replied to your situation: Just tell your long-distance girlfriend the TRUTH. It may hurt her for a little while, but in the long run, it will hurt even more if you let this drag on.

Nobody likes to hurt other people, but sometimes if you will just come clean about things like this, it will hurt a lot less than delaying the inevitable.

Good luck!

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