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Friends with Benefits or FB?

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Girls and Guys....I'm interested in hearing your stories of situations with friends with benefits and/or F*ck buddies....


How long did they last?

How did you separate feelings from sex?

Did you ever make it an official relationship? If so, How?

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In October, I met a guy who we will call Jay at a concert through a mutual friend. We hooked up the same night. I didn't expect anything more out of it, but he pursued me, so we kept up our whatever it was. I say that because it felt like more than a FB or FWB, we connected on a deeper level. I would see him about twice a week and text just about everyday. In those meetings, we would talk about everything, for hours. He wants kids and what he's gonna name them, his religion preferences, his family life, I mean everything! He told me how much his exes hurt him and that he did have a heart. His ex decided to write him letters talking about how she regretted what she did and that she wanted another chance. He told me that he didn't know what to think about it, and what he was going to do.


Fastforward to 2 weeks before Christmas...I asked him if he'd be around during the Holidays. Well he told me that he was going to the city she lived in for the holidays and basically that they were gonna try to work things out. I was completely blindsided and p*ssed. I admit, I cried for a couple days, but then said f*ck it and went NC. During that time, I ended up meeting a new guy. We had been hanging out for a couple weeks and on Christmas day, I get a text from Jay. Talk about unexpected. He was alone on Christmas and I ended up going to see him. I guess I felt bad he was alone on the holidays. I asked him what was new with him and we talked about his trip and he said it only went so-so and that they might end up getting back together in 6 or so months. He told me he missed me and asked what was new with me. I didn't tell him about the new guy, mainly cause I didn't want to jinx things with him. We had sex. Incredible sex. Then a friend of his comes over. Jay passed out and me and the friend end up talking. Apparently, Jay knocked another girl up and purposely omited this in the "what's new with you" convo. Honestly, I don't believe he would have told me unless I asked him about it, so I did. He admitted it. So, here I am messing with a guy who is supposedly trying to work things out with his ex, accidentally knocks someone up, and is screwing me all at the same time. Talk about crazy. I thought about what I was doing and why was I doing it. My feelings changed for him after finding out that little fact. I no longer want a relationship with Jay, but I do enjoy the sex. I needed a reality check I guess. I’m still screwing him, but less than I was, and I am not texting him. In fact, I deleted his number out of my phone and decided that if he wants to hook up, he will have to pursue me. As far as the new guy, things are at a stand still because he is going though a divorce. I decided that we can be friends until it is final, and Jay just takes the edge off.

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Sam_I_Am!!!! It was like reading about my story...EXACTLY the same. And I still see him but I never sms him. If he wants then sure! Wow...Impressed.

So...to Bad Monkey...you want to read my story, then read Sam_I_Am's story hehehe :)

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Girls and Guys....I'm interested in hearing your stories of situations with friends with benefits and/or F*ck buddies....


How long did they last?

How did you separate feelings from sex?

Did you ever make it an official relationship? If so, How?


Some on and off for a few years, some a few weeks or months.

I don't associate casual sex with feelings, so no problem there.

Nope. A fwb is by definition not relationship material.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this guy lets call him Cody. Cody and I met when i was recently working. He came in every other night on delievery and flirted with me for a little. Giving me his number and what not. Until Finally i gave in and called him up. That was in early July of 2009


We became friends with Bennies We had certain type rules. He didnt want a commitment (recently divorced) and I didnt want one either. Well he even said he didnt want to have his daughters meet the girls he was seeing. ( their young) I understood that.


Well things were ok. Seen each other like twice a week. A few motels here, a few drives there. Went to a movie. The regular Friends part of the Benefits.


Well I recently went on a short vacation. Then came back and things took a sudden turn. I met his parents and they grew to love me. (his mom claims to adopt me)

Then recently I met his two girls. one is 3ish one is 6ish. The 3ish is still young so we were able to sleep in the same bed and all that without her asking questions


the 6ish we were good little boy and girl and kept it simple. I was a friend of grandmas and I helped her out. His girls love me..


We now live together somewhat, We never part unless I kick him out to go spend the weekend with his kids. I dont get jelouse over the fact he spends time with his kids because i am a family type girl. His kids come first. I told him that.


Well the friends with bennifits just sorta became lack. He still claims we are but he calls me his girlfriend.. he calls me babe. We never part. We are always together. Havent fought or anything. Its like we are dating but not.


Now i have fallin for him and he knows this but when he asks me about it i blow it off. I think hes not ready for the real answer. Im confused because I dont know if he is starting to like me or he does.. Oh and another thing that confused me is this


Christmas he was over.. he had my camra and was taking family pictures for us.. He says hes not part of the family... Yet...


Then on new years.. I said im not part of his family and he says.. Yet..

what does that mean?


Any advice?

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I had some successful FWB relationships. There were off and on relationships that ranged from 2 months up to a year. None of these FWB relationships turned into a serious one.

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These relationships neevr become more then they actually are. Both sides enjoy it till certain period, I think, till you find someone special, someone important. You'll care more then just freindship with benefits.

If you are not taking the relationship seriously enough, then why the other person should?

Anyway, whoever is just looking for benefits, I can recommend to check out www.mutualarrangements.com


Its new and pretty cool. I found some help there :)

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