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do YOU believe in magic? in fate?

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so what do you think - say, if you've got somebody compatible in every sense (views, attraction, goals, etc) - everybody thinks you're great for each other. is that it? i mean, if you work on the relationship & all, will that be "as good as it gets"? or is there some undefinable magical element that has to be present to make it "as good as it gets"? do you know what i'm asking? ;)


isn't it the belief in this magical element, be it soulmate-ship or fate or destiny or what-not, that keeps so many people from moving on, from seeking rationally sane relationships? or is this magical element just a lucky combination of compatibility factors?


any thoughts in this direction?...



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All things are magic...we make them that way. We create the magic but, absolutely, it's there. It's there because we are there, with somebody or by ourselves. Every day, every circumstance, contains magic and lots of it. Relationships fail because people are distracted from the magic that is within the moments they create. You can create chaos or you can make those moments magical...it's basically a choice that has to be mutual.


I do think it's more magic than chemical or destiny. Maybe it's that magic is destiny...but I think everybody's destiny is magic if they will invite it in and believe in it. It's people who don't believe in it who never experience it.


I think any two people can be compatible if they are unselfishingly willing to share their knowledge, experiences and their lives. I suppose when two of those kinds of people come together, it's a bit of magic. We are all human beings and we are all united in that humanity. When two people find that they are not compatible, it's only because they have elected not to apply the magic that is available to them. It's because they have rejected the magic in favor or the illusion that we are all different and we don't all get along well together.


True magic is complete happiness. People who live magical lives never take one moment or one person for granted. That we live, breathe, think and love is all nothing short of absolute magic...and life is one giant Magical Mystery Tour.


Step right up!

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it's true, Tony, that magic is there where we choose to see it ... so - do you believe in signs? You know how some people look for signs and freak out if their great-grandfathers had the same profession or smth. It's true that these signs are in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes one can't help but wonder ...


I surely don't believe that somebody's sitting there shooting signs for people, but just the way one is and the way one fits into the universe may create a certain response from the universe - and perhaps it's good if one catches the signs of a positive response/interaction.




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I always viewed compatibility as a necessary but not sufficient condition for alpha love.


To reach true soulmate status, one needs "compatibility-plus." But how does one define that "plus" factor?


Heck, I don't know. I suspect it's a combination of deep intimacy, trust, comfort and the visceral feeling that "she's the One."


A mutual sharing that knows no boundaries--something approaching ego loss.


Very few people can trigger these feelings in me. In my 53 years there have been just two ladies.


Such is my life. :)

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And sometimes what seems to be "as good as it gets" develops into magic many years later.


The magic happened for my husband and I around our 15th - 16th year of marriage. I just turned around one day and saw it. I'd hoped for it while accepting the fact that it might never appear - but it did and for both of us. Sometimes real magic takes a lot of energy, hard work, sacrifice, and tears before we can see it. Some people can't wait that long, others wait their whole lives and don't see it. I'm one of the very, very lucky ones.

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awesome link, thanks Tony!!


this leads back to questions like "if your life is a book, are you the reader or the writer?" - do you cause the signs, do the signs shape your life, is it up to you?



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thanks for your replies.


i agree that there has to be that PLUS, and i can see why this PLUS can develop later - heck, arranged marriages sometimes turn magical too.


i also think that such a PLUS can in fact make up for lack of compatibility cuz like Tony said, if two people really want to make it, they CAN, no matter how diff't they are.



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Originally posted by yes

awesome link, thanks Tony!!


this leads back to questions like "if your life is a book, are you the reader or the writer?" - do you cause the signs, do the signs shape your life, is it up to you?




Both I think. The parts of my life that I choose to read are the quieter parts, or the most stressful. When I decide to write for a while I change it and it becomes better. When I got laid off from a job many years ago I was reading. I didn't know what else to do and I didn't do anything for a few weeks. When I got laid off this last time I could have continued to read by sitting at home and collecting unemployment - but I'd rather write so I got out and found contract work to support us while I'm writing a better chapter!


I cause the signs that shape my life.

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Hokey, your view is very free - you feel in control of your life, you can go out there and write a good chapter.


Some people, while also being active, see the major events in their life as a series of things that just happened, - they may have caused them indirectly, but surely not consciously - it was them doing it, but they had no other choice, so to speak.


What I definitely believe is that you attract into your life the people and events that you crave. NOT what you THINK you want, but what you really want deep down. I don't mean earthquakes, etc ;) , but in terms of relationships with people of all kinds, career moves, spiritual changes - the more personal events.



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I have no idea what to believe. I've thought there was 'magic' at play but it seemed to be a curse. I'd like to believe it. Same goes for synchronicity - you could say that the universe is bringing you together with the people you need - or that could just be a brilliant human rationalization to cope with how life works.


Some days I believe one, some the other. Today is a cynical day.

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