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I have been in a 3 month relationship with 1 girl, and for the past 1 month I have been very tense. I do not know what is going on in my mind, Perhaps I am trying to figure out what feelings do I have towards her. I think I am going crazy here. SOmetimes I wake up and cant wait to hear her voice, or see her , or touch her, or kiss her, and sometimes, I act, as if do not really care for her anymore, so its constantly changes, and I am suffering with it,,,,she is the same way I think, cause sometimes we talk like for 3-4 hours on the phone, and sometimes, I can sense that she is indifferent, She sent me an email, there was a quote :" The only difference between LOVE and SEX is that LOVE creates tension, and SEX relieves it" Now we have not been to bed yet, we decided to take it slow. But I have been noticing that lately she talks about sex a lot, she does not directly say, but this subject pops up once in a while......


Now, I dont know, does she LOVE me, is she with me for ME or for what she can get out of ME......


Another reason, I think we might not have been in bed yet, is because we have not had a chance to be alone, i live with parents, she lives with parents,,,,,,Now I started thinking that maybe we should sleep with each other as soon as possible, so we will kinda get over this,,,cause everything else is perfect, and sometimes, we feel tense around each other,,,and I thought maybe if we had slept already, we would have been more relieved and assured....Now maybe she thinks that I am playing hard to get.......In the beginning I thought she was playing hard to get...SO ANYWAY....DO YO GUYS THINK WE SHOULD RELIEVE ALL THIS PENT UP TENSTION

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I have been in a 3 month relationship with 1 girl, and for the past 1 month I have been very tense. I do not know what is going on in my mind, Perhaps I am trying to figure out what feelings do I have towards her. I think I am going crazy here. SOmetimes I wake up and cant wait to hear her voice, or see her , or touch her, or kiss her, and sometimes, I act, as if do not really care for her anymore, so its constantly changes, and I am suffering with it,,,,she is the same way I think, cause sometimes we talk like for 3-4 hours on the phone, and sometimes, I can sense that she is indifferent, She sent me an email, there was a quote :" The only difference between LOVE and SEX is that LOVE creates tension, and SEX relieves it" Now we have not been to bed yet, we decided to take it slow. But I have been noticing that lately she talks about sex a lot, she does not directly say, but this subject pops up once in a while...... Now, I dont know, does she LOVE me, is she with me for ME or for what she can get out of ME...... Another reason, I think we might not have been in bed yet, is because we have not had a chance to be alone, i live with parents, she lives with parents,,,,,,Now I started thinking that maybe we should sleep with each other as soon as possible, so we will kinda get over this,,,cause everything else is perfect, and sometimes, we feel tense around each other,,,and I thought maybe if we had slept already, we would have been more relieved and assured....Now maybe she thinks that I am playing hard to get.......In the beginning I thought she was playing hard to get...SO ANYWAY....DO YO GUYS THINK WE SHOULD RELIEVE ALL THIS PENT UP TENSTION
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Yeah, but will SEX ruin anything..I need to get laid, it wont change any feelings i have towards her......mayne u chicks think it will!!!!!


DOnt know its messed up....i think i need some SEX here :)

It sounds like sex is not the answer here! First of all, you said that you're not even sure how you feel about her. I think you probably do care for her, but you don't quite love her yet. I also think you've gotten a little comfortable with the relationship and you're afraid to leave her. It sounds more like you're scared to leave. I think that instead of considering the issue of sex, you should really be considering whether or not to stay with this girl. I'm not saying to leave her so don't get me wrong. But consider why you're staying with her. Three months is not so long anyway. I mean it's not a long time in the relationship to wait for sex. Before you consider sleeping with her, consider if you really even care about her in that way. It really doesn't sound like you're ready for sex at all. You should talk to her instead of assuming how she feels. Maybe if you tell her how you feel and she tells you how she feels, you won't be so tense around each other. Sex is not going to make the tension go away. If you really love each other, sex can wait.
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Yes. sex could ruin everything. It could get you trapped in an even more emotionally confusing relationship or it could put an end to a relationship that could have been something wonderful.


Getting laid can be accomplished by picking up any old slut after a last call for alcohol. It sounds, however, that you're interested in something a little more lasting with this girl. Sounds, too, like she is a person with feelings too.


Any chance you could talk to her about your feelings? Maybe she wants the same thing as you. It sounds like time to move one way or the other - - either together or step apart.


Best wishes. Try to be patient.


Yeah, but will SEX ruin anything..I need to get laid, it wont change any feelings i have towards her......mayne u chicks think it will!!!!!


DOnt know its messed up....i think i need some SEX here :)

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