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im not sure if i can ever be happy again


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McGrupp...the only reason you feel like this...is because you havent found somebody else. The minute you fall in love with the new person your ex will be just a memory and you will have no more feelings for her. Stay strong man... I know its tough. One day at a time.

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Don't listen to blueberry... this is clearly a front for all the pain she's feeling. Why otherwise post in a heartbreak section? If you're over your ex... move on. Blueberry isn't... this is how she's coping. Everyone copes differently... even DUMPERS have to cope. Trust me... I've seen it.. and I'm experiencing it first hand now as a dumpee... my ex (the dumper) unblocked me (for whatever reason)... She's STILL thinking about me.


I bet you your ex is doing the same... (thinking about you)



DON'T get your hopes up. Think of yourself now... your ex rejected you once for whatever... don't let her back in to do the same. Be selfish and protect your heart. Use this NC time to better yourself!

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