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well the obvious question that i will pose is that in atempts to control my indulgense in a self-plesure manner i have come apon the suggestion of my gudense consellor mrs german>>>>> she hath said to me dave that perhaps i could come up with a little bit of activity or just a little hobby&)*&&**& well to this i will ask the obvious question which is how does a fellow become a YODELING-MAN!!!??? is there said school fro to learn to yodel like the man mel gibson in the movie??? maybe i dave could invent the wind up-toy which compresses air and then by the use of RUBBER-BANDS will release a slow but steady humm and this will help youth accross the woprld like from these united-states to a foreign-country for example england to yodel and this will be heard accross the worlsd. if you call a young man who attempts self-fellatio by the use of a little paper-towel tube CRAZY, then yes i am crazy mister healthy-manGUIGUIh


do a woman engage in love of a man-boob???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????///////ughuqghdq

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