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LS is family


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Hi everyone,


I'm healing!


Been four months out and i laugh at how bad the first few weeks were....


We are a collective, we are a group, we are a family and thats saying something something!


We share are deepest inner thoughts about how our heart feels without any inclination who is reading our words....


No judgement, just truth thats was LS is all about.


I'm not 100% but i'll get there but wanted to say thanks LS for letting me into your hearts/minds and taking the time to understand my own... (cry here hahah)


Good luck and don't ever let one person define who you are, because you are all more than you think




PS: so hammered and loving life not whining about the ex hahahaha good luck everyone

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****, i need a drink too lol


It's so true.


thanks to everyone who has lifted me up (and I'm new around here!)

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