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when or how do i ask!?!

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okay.. pretty much this is the whole story in a nutshell.


me and this girl from school have had just a normal friendly relationship for the longest time. just recently her bf cheated on her for the 3rd time. (who knows why the heck they were still together) but so she dumps him.


Since then we have started to talk alot more. just the other day at school we were watching a movie in class. about half way through she lays her head on my shoulder. (from her this was surprising) so i just rubbed her head. (i've liked her for a really long time, im sure you can guess how i was feeling) haha :p


that was when i guess we started texting alot.


i read some stuff about the signs of someone liking you or w/e and one of them was the girl to show signs of wanting to do stuff with you. well, we've talked alot about me starting to come to her volleyball games, and i asked her about hangin out sometime and she was really open to that! we've hung out in the past but now that she's single its just.. better! lol


well i guess my question is, i really wanna ask her out, how long should i just talk and hang with her till i ask her out. and when i do, how should i do it? :eek:


she's so cool! i dont think i could find a better girl, and i really dont wanna blow it! :( any advice is greatly appreciated. (excuse spelling) :p

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