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Asking the right questions

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I once was a production supervisor in a millwork factory.


It was hot nasty dirty work.


My 'lead' finisher and I were talking one night, and she's a south Alabama woman with less than a HS degree spoke none other than truer words than have ever been said.


"Just do the RIGHT thing! You KNOW what it is! God WROTE it upon your HEART, the day you were BORN! Just DO the RIGHT THING!


Twenty years in the Marines, college educated, well read, been all over the world ~ only to come home from which I've been?


Only to come Home to find such knowledge and wisdom.


I was and still am humbled by the wisdom of her years!

Edited by Gunny376
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And I am truly humbled by the collective wisdom that I've gained here from all of you!


Sitting around an open fire ~ spitting whiskey into an open fire!


Thank you for being my friends!


Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)




Edited by Gunny376
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Then why are you on here, one of you has to drop their pride long enough to make it work. I know you well enough to tell you this.....your marriage was very much like mine on opposite spectrums (and yeah, maybe a little less abusive and with much better times that I've ever known) BUT, if you would both let go of your pride, you could be one. It's something me and my husband couldn't do. Let your past be gone!! Move to a new realm of loving each other for just each other and be proud of who you each are today....the only person who can make you feel weak is you (believe me I know that and I fight it everyday and so did my ex).


I know it's much easier said than done, but you have come far my friend....I couldn't say that if I didn't care that much about you...stop stalling and do what in your heart you know is right. If she is the "fight" you are in, you need to plan your strategy with no distractions. You've come far and you are learning more everyday....dont' harbor the past...make a new future with her....that is the next step.


All my love,



I have to fix myself first and even then, she dosen't want me. Maybe she did in the begining, but now..... I've eaten plenty of dirt and swallowed my pride, I'm not a proud man, just an honest one. She knows that I would take a match to my whole world for her. Means nothing. I served my purpose, and now that I am not needed I am cast aside to make room for her next step. A stepping stone with an ever growing collection of footprints on his back. I want to ascend, to be happy, be that with her or not, but I'm not willing to leave my footprint on her or anyone else to get there, I need to find my own way. Thats why I'm here.


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I once was a production supervisor in a millwork factory.


It was hot nasty dirty work.


My 'lead' finisher and I were talking one night, and she's a south Alabama woman with less than a HS degree spoke none other than truer words than have ever been said.


"Just do the RIGHT thing! You KNOW what it is! God WROTE it upon your HEART, the day you were BORN! Just DO the RIGHT THING!


Twenty years in the Marines, college educated, well read, been all over the world ~ only to come home from which I've been?


Only to come Home to find such knowledge and wisdom.


I was and still am humbled by the wisdom of her years!


As are most of the people here by you Gunny. Folks here don't seek you out for your college education or for the books you've read. The lessons that mean the most, that stick with you, that change lives are learned out in the world, in the face of adversity and in your time of need.........


And I am truly humbled by the collective wisdom that I've gained here from all of you!


Sitting around an open fire ~ spitting whiskey into an open fire!


Thank you for being my friends!


Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)




........ thats why we all come to this ever growing circle around the fire, telling war stories and comparing scars. Learning from what has been and preparing for what is to come.


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