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Maybe this could last?

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I feel like I'm starting off the new year on the wrong foot but suddenly I find myself in an unforeseen FWB.


Will and I have that physical attraction that puts us both on the spot, at least when I'm around him I just want the both of us to immediately jump into bed.


We hang out in a group of mostly his closest friends and they have all so far accepted me as a fun person to be around with. None of his friends know we're " together" and sometimes it's a thrill just sneaking a kiss here or there behind their backs.


The sex is amazing, we have an animalistic passion that I haven't felt since my ex. He's actually become someone I can definitely see myself being passionate with without worrying about wanting anything to go anywhere. And suddenly that seems like a good thing because I've been known to become clingy after sex. With Will, I'm actually comfortable.


The only thing I'm worried about is that I'm jealous of his ex ( something that I had not anticipated). I had been honest with him that I didn't want a relationship and to him I'm a rebound from his 2 year breakup with his ex. While I know I'm a rebound, I also know that I can't live up to the image of his ex, which stung a little. But then again it also prompts me to remember that the chances of falling for him are slim.



The only thing the both of us need right now is just release. Maybe that's a good thing?

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