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My friend masturbates


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How do we help my friend. He masturbates and this causes him a lot of distress psychologically. He is so slim and bent over (well not double) could his 'bad' habit be the cause?


He says he loves to watch all these movies with sex display and that it makes him feel great or is it safe. well, he loves to watch and especially Women's breats not even any openings! Well, I took his words and how nasty(?)?


Fesh. :sick:

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It's very kind of you to worry about your friend's masturbation addiction. No harm can come from excessive masturbation. However, when it becomes preferrable to sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, then it can cause problems.


If he doesn't it frequently enough over a long period, his prostate will swell and he may be only able to produce small amounts of semen. A swolen prostate because of excessive masturbation is not a serious medical problem. He probably won't enjoy sex with women nearly as much as time goes on...but that's his problem. There's no free lunch in this world.


It's a difficult habit to break but unless it presents problems to other aspects of his life he can masturbate away. He won't go feeble minded or grow hair on his hands. I would hope, however, that he wouldn't share this masturbation obsession with his friends and others who might in turn share it with the rest of the world via the world wide web. Now that could cause some serious embarassment. haha


Tell him the LoveShack gang sends their regards and if he needs a hand with anything, we're always here!

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