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YOUR stop-smoking success story?

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Can you share your successful story for stoping smoking? I know someone who's smoked since they were a teenager and wants to stop. TIPS???



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SAD... No one has a stop smoking success to share.


Anyone tried but failed? Why DIDN'T it work in your opinion?

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When I did it, I cut down.. then went cold turkey. It worked for me.. but I really wanted it. Have you tried to quit in the past?



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When I did it, I cut down.. then went cold turkey. It worked for me.. but I really wanted it. Have you tried to quit in the past?




Not me - my GF. She's been smoking a long time and wants to quit. I guess we'll see if she REALLY wants it.

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I started smoking socially when I was like 17. From 18-22 I smoked daily, about 10 a day, more if I was drinking. At about 23 I started thinking about quitting, and my body started wanting cigarettes less and less. I started smoking only while I was out having a drinks, maybe once a week, then it turned in to once a month or so. When I moved in with my SO who didn't smoke I started having an occasional cigarette, maybe every couple months. The last one I had was in early December 2008 and I think/hope I will make that my last.


I suppose I don't have any great advice other than trying to cut back and seeing how much better you feel when you don't smoke. Another thing that helped me is wanting to get physically fit and starting running. Seeing how hard running was when I smoked really put me off of cigarettes.

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For those that did successfully quit were there many (any?) side effects?

Headaches? Irritability? Appetite affected? ETC...???


Thanks !!!

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I was a pretty heavy smoker for a few years and I quit, cold turkey. I think that's what works best in terms of success but it was pretty bad for about 3-5 days. Headaches, withdrawal, bad mood as a result, etc. After a week, it got much easier and after three months, it was hardly a memory anymore.



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I was a pretty heavy smoker for a few years and I quit, cold turkey. I think that's what works best in terms of success but it was pretty bad for about 3-5 days. Headaches, withdrawal, bad mood as a result, etc. After a week, it got much easier and after three months, it was hardly a memory anymore.




Would you suggest the person trying to quit should maybe take some time off from work so as to be better able to battle the effects you mentioned? Or is it better to just go about your regular routine?

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