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Put up on a pedestal

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Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone has felt really hurt by your partner who you thought told you everything. I love my hubby very much and he was attracted to a much younger girl. I always thought that he only loved me. that I was the one he dreamed of and was his best friend. I find myself looking around when he goes out with the family and myself when he looks in particular direction I feel really stupid.


No man has changed my feelings since I have known my hubby. He no longer sees this girl which is a relief but there will be others. He never did anything I know but I do trust him.

I was just wondering if anyone has put there loved ones up there on a pedestal and how do I get these insecurities out of my head?

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It sounds as if the insecurities in your head were put there by your husband. Only he can get rid of them.


You need to sit down and talk, share your feelings and get him to share his. You both need to figure out why he had the need to look outside of the marriage for emotional closeness, doesn't matter if anything happened sexually.


As soon as I found out my [ex] partner cheated and had proof, I was gone. Life is too short to play games and sit around being treated second best.


You will never forget the pain that was caused, but you can try and forgive. However you can only forgive and move on, if he allows the process to occur. If he doesn't want to change, or talk, then you just have to put up with it :( or leave :eek:


Cheating, in any form breaks up relationships, some people just pretend everything is okay and stay together :(

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Thanks Kat, yes we do talk but I do know I need some professional help. I think it stems back from when I was young and my mum dying I hate to blame things but I have read something with my insecurities etc are to do with that.

I am sorry you got hurt, I should appreciate my hubby because he is the one who wants to work our problems out. I have made some goals for the future and I intend to follow them through.

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