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TO MED................

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No offese, but I think anyone in such a terrible state should hold off giving advice to others! Take it easy!


I hope you feel better and you get a little change of luck.

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I read Med's earlier post asking whether "hook up" meant having sex or just getting together. Instead of telling him to crawl into a hole, why don't you answer the question. I'd like to know the answer myself!!!


Does anybody else out there know?


By the way, people who post sometimes use a lot of words which sound like the could possibly mean sex but I often have doubts. Why don't people just say we has sex. I think it's OK to say that these days.


We need to stop telling people when, how often or, in this case, if they should post at all. People are grown up. If they want to post advice, no matter what their state of mind, they can add their own perspective.


Let's leave people alone to enjoy the freedoms of the Internet and post what they want. And let's not deprive others of their comments and advice, which they are free to take or leave as they choose.


Angel, you ought to be ashamed!

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BTW, people have differnt ideas about hooking up. It's a personal thing. My fiancee thought that it meant just playing around, everything up to penetration. I thought it meant having sex.


Also, let's remember a little saying my Dad always told me:


"Judge not lest ye be judged."


Being that my Dad was agnostic, this isn't a religious statement. Merely a reminder.


Let he (or her) who is without sin (or fault) cast the first stone.


I sure ain't without sin or fault, so I'm keeping my mouth shut.

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I read Med's earlier post asking whether "hook up" meant having sex or just getting together. Instead of telling him to crawl into a hole, why don't you answer the question. I'd like to know the answer myself!!! Does anybody else out there know? By the way, people who post sometimes use a lot of words which sound like the could possibly mean sex but I often have doubts. Why don't people just say we has sex. I think it's OK to say that these days. We need to stop telling people when, how often or, in this case, if they should post at all. People are grown up. If they want to post advice, no matter what their state of mind, they can add their own perspective. Let's leave people alone to enjoy the freedoms of the Internet and post what they want. And let's not deprive others of their comments and advice, which they are free to take or leave as they choose.


Angel, you ought to be ashamed!

First of all, I think you and Nina misunderstood! Let me clarify...................... I'm not telling Med not to post, I would never say something like that to anyone. And what I said had nothing to do with him asking that girl what exactly she meant by "hooking up." I was just saying that when someone is in a bad state, they may want to reconsider giving others advice. Or not necessarily reconsider, but re-evaluate the advice you give. It's hard to give someone good advice when you are in a bad mind set. I personally would be very careful about the advice I gave if I was upset. I actually feel bad for him. We all know what it's like to be down in the dumps. So, for the future, I will not hold off. and I am not ashamed of myself!!!! And I think Med understood where I was coming from. Even if you and Nina didn't get it. I meant nothing offensive by it. Trust me.

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I got what you said totally. But if you look at MED's only previous post, he did not give advise, he only asked a legitimate question. Anyway, God bless you for looking out for everyone. I'm sure you have good intentions.


By the way, please tell us whether "hooking up" means having sex or hanging out. I really would like to know.

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Wiser Woman

Just chiming in here on definitions. "Hooking up" to me means whatever I want it to mean. If you hook up with someone and go bowling, well... that means one thing - if you hook up with someone and have sex, well... again, that's something else. I think the person using the term might have to define what it means to them so we can know what it means to him/her.


It's kinda like "had sex" or "made love" - to me "had sex" means just that - "got some". "Made love" on the other hand means I not only "had sex" but also got held, cuddled, kissed, whatever in the process and the guy didn't jump up put his clothes on and leave in the middle of the night. What 'cha think?

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I didn't take it the wrong way angel.. and I agree with you that if someone is in a bad state they should really think about it before they give advice.. it might be tainted with their feelings ... Let's all get along PLEASE.. there have been enough problems on this site lately!

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I got what you said totally. But if you look at MED's only previous post, he did not give advise, he only asked a legitimate question. Anyway, God bless you for looking out for everyone. I'm sure you have good intentions. By the way, please tell us whether "hooking up" means having sex or hanging out. I really would like to know.

You are so funny!! Really! Hahaha. I think "hooking up" means whatever we want it to, ya know? I always thought "hooking up" meant when you start seeing someone new. Ya know? Like, "oh, I just hooked up with this girl/guy." But I guess you'll have to ask the person who is using the term to find out what they mean. Anyway, Have a good one (Day, I mean-to avoid confusion). By the way, I hope you all know that I would never intentionally offend anyone, so if I did, I apologize. Take care. Until next time.................. :0)

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Just chiming in here on definitions. "Hooking up" to me means whatever I want it to mean. If you hook up with someone and go bowling, well... that means one thing - if you hook up with someone and have sex, well... again, that's something else. I think the person using the term might have to define what it means to them so we can know what it means to him/her. It's kinda like "had sex" or "made love" - to me "had sex" means just that - "got some". "Made love" on the other hand means I not only "had sex" but also got held, cuddled, kissed, whatever in the process and the guy didn't jump up put his clothes on and leave in the middle of the night. What 'cha think?

I totally agree with you!!!!!! Should we look it up in the dictionary to end the debate? Hahaha. Just kidding.

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