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A good listener

Boundary Problem

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Boundary Problem

I think the best relationships involve listening to each other.


That is what I'm going to look for.


Someone who can listen to what I say.


They say that marriage is one big long conversation and that won't work if someone can't listen, digest, respond and communicate.


If they want fun, then they'll have to go to the bar. Where the music is so loud you can't have a decent conversation.


I like the subtleties in life and a relationship with a man won't work for me if he can't listen, because then he misses the subtleties.


At its core, a marriage is a friendship which is about listening to each other. There is other stuff in a marriage, but if there is a good friendship, that marriage will have legs for a long time, despite other huge problems.

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im with you on this BP. i find it really difficult to find someone who is interested in something as simple as listening! and i dont mean for a conversation or two... i mean overall, just someone who generally likes listening!

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Remember this:

For the mast part, women just want to be heard.

They need to know somebody understands.

They need to vent and just get it out there.


Men discuss, in order to arrive at a conclusion, and they brainstorm.

They like to vocalise problems in order to reach a solution and gain feedback.


Women don't necessarily want a quick-fix solution, but they love to talk.

Men would like to have a sure-fire solution, but they DON'T like to talk.


This might well be a generalisation, but it's not too far off the mark.


Learn this, and things shouldn't go too badly.

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