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my boyfriend has a bad temper. He gets mad and punches holes in the walls. Throws fits like a 2 year old, and says horrible things to me that hurt my feelings so bad. Yesterday i was playing with him, and he grabbed my arm so hard it left bruises, then threatened to knock me out for playing with him. This type of stuff only gets worse, right?

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i already did. As strange as it may sound, one of my closest guy friends picked me up last night, and is letting me sleep at his place until my head clears.

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hang in there...you can do it...read some of the threads in here...my thread may be helpful too!! "emotionally abusive relationship"

i have found reading stuff and realizing others are going through the smae s**t really helps....good luck!!

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Yep.and I to been in your situation,becareful HHHMMMMM of the dude that wants to help ya too,I had male friends like that,and it was hard,you have any female friends that can help get your poop in a group.


I believe you know it is only going to get worse if you go home,can he or will he get ANY kind of help for his anger management?


I know I am not one to give advise as I am kiinda going through what you are,but hubby and I are working programs,and in church,much better things are


I hope they get better for you warm hugz


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