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Am I at risk to get pregnant? (worried)

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If you have unprotected sex eight days after the start of your period can you get pregnant?


Last week I had sex with my boyfriend and he assured me it was impossible to get pregnant as I had started my period on June 10 and I had sex on June 18. Should I still get a test, or not?


Usually I always make sure I am protected and for some reason it happened so fast that I forgot to tell my boyfried to "pull out" before he, you know what.



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Oh my god....yes. you should definitley go get tested. it only takes that one time. and no matter what, a guy will never know more about a girl and her period.


i know how it gets in the heat of the moment, but you really shouldn't be having sex if you are not going to be responsible about it.


just to be on the safe side get tested, and for future reference if you have a boyfriend and have an active sex life you should really consider getting birth control. if money is an issue get your boyfriend to pay for half, afterall it is his responsiblity too! and if you are worried about your parents finding out go to a walk in clinic and they will not give you any hastles.


i don't mean to scare you but you should be prepared for the worst, but for your sake i really hope you are not.


good luck.

If you have unprotected sex eight days after the start of your period can you get pregnant?


Last week I had sex with my boyfriend and he assured me it was impossible to get pregnant as I had started my period on June 10 and I had sex on June 18. Should I still get a test, or not? Usually I always make sure I am protected and for some reason it happened so fast that I forgot to tell my boyfried to "pull out" before he, you know what. Sandy

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one thing I forgot to add. My boyfriend told me to wash myself afterwards, but Idon"t think that makes a difference.


Is it possible to "wash away sperm"?




Thanks for responding. I will definately get tested!

Oh my god....yes. you should definitley go get tested. it only takes that one time. and no matter what, a guy will never know more about a girl and her period. i know how it gets in the heat of the moment, but you really shouldn't be having sex if you are not going to be responsible about it. just to be on the safe side get tested, and for future reference if you have a boyfriend and have an active sex life you should really consider getting birth control. if money is an issue get your boyfriend to pay for half, afterall it is his responsiblity too! and if you are worried about your parents finding out go to a walk in clinic and they will not give you any hastles.


i don't mean to scare you but you should be prepared for the worst, but for your sake i really hope you are not. good luck.

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washing yourself is NOT going to do anything. 80% of the time what your instinct is telling you is right. so go with it!


i just hope that next time your boyfriend puts you in that position you think about the consequences of what you are about to do.


generally sex without birth control is not a good idea, and sex without a condom, or any other contraceptive is just not a good idea at all.


i know it sounds cliche about protected sex. but believe me it is worth the extra precaution.

one thing I forgot to add. My boyfriend told me to wash myself afterwards, but Idon"t think that makes a difference. Is it possible to "wash away sperm"?


Sandy Thanks for responding. I will definately get tested!

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Woah! differnet women have different cycles. Also, sperm can survive in your vagina for up to three days. What happens is that they get injected way up there, almost to the cervix. Then they swim up through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. Eggs are usually fertilized in the fallopian tubes and then travel down into the uterus and settle into the side of the uterus where the nutrient layer has formed.


You can't wash sperm away, either. Over 100 million of those little guys get in there (sometimes up to 300 million, depending on the guy) and they're designed to stay in there and try their hardest to get to the egg. that a lot of sperm!


Go get a test.

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Yes there is a chance that you could be pregnant.. not to rain on your parade and scare you but.. My ex and I did it one time unpretected and BOOM I was pregnant with my daughter... Scarry thought... You might want to go ahead and take a test.. most of them won't work however until you have missed your period however... some of them work after 14 days... Hope it all works out the way you want it too....

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If you have unprotected sex eight days after the start of your period can you get pregnant?


Last week I had sex with my boyfriend and he assured me it was impossible to get pregnant as I had started my period on June 10 and I had sex on June 18. Should I still get a test, or not? Usually I always make sure I am protected and for some reason it happened so fast that I forgot to tell my boyfried to "pull out" before he, you know what. Sandy You should be ok. The egg is released 14 days after the first day of bleeding. You can only get pregnant within a 24-48 hour window after egg is released. A test right now won't tell you much anyway. Unfortunately you must wait - but you probably weren't close enough to egg release to get pregnant.

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