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This has happened to me as well. You almost have to figure he is so losing out on you, and that someone much better will come along your way.


Its hard to deal with, I know, but if you give it time it will help.


Time heals all.

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I find it hard to beleive someone rejected you Allykat. Your beautiful. I agree with you. He is the one losing out i would try and get over it and get on with your life.

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Rejection is always hard to deal with. You can't help but asking yourself over and over "WHY???" :o


Depending on how intense the relationship was....will depend on how long it will take to get over it. I saw a formula about that on the net last year and laughed when it said it would take me a year. I thought SURELY it wouldn't. It did. HAHA!


So, don't beat yourself up over it. Just try to focus on other things....date other guys....and one day all he'll be is a messed up memory!

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There's a difference between being rejected and being dumped. From my perspective, rejection theoretically shouldn't take as long to get over because you don't have much invested in the other person yet. It is something that happens in response to early advances. Being dumped, on the other hand, is much more painful because it implies you have been involved for some significant amount of time.


To get over rejection, I'd expect that moving on quickly would be the best way to go -- you are likely to be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your esteem gets re-built. To get over being dumped -- I'm afraid it means time, learning to be happy by yourself again, and reflection on what is likely to be your "ideal" partner.

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You are right midlife...I never picked up on the verbage before....but there IS a difference in the emotional perception of the thing.


Either way...you feel like crap for awhile!!!! LOL!!!!

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