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Making the right decision

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I am a 28 year old married women with two children, I got married when I 21 years old and knew my husband for 12 years. Two years ago I had an affair with a man and I left home in March 2000, because my husband and I were having problems. I made the decision of going back to husband 4 weeks ago, but I am still in love with this man, what should I do, stay for the family or go with my heart.

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Is your husband a good man? Has he changed from who you thought he was when you took the vows together?


It sounds like you've been through a lot in just a few months. Any chance you could get some marriage counseling as a couple and try to work through things together before you make any more major moves in your life?


I'm a believer in keeping promises and following through on commitments. If the problems you mentioned do not include abuse, and if your husband forgave you for the affair, I hope you stay and work things out.


Best wishes.

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Is sounds like you got married very young and have known this guy most of your life.. sometimes people change when they get older and start resenting their partners for what they Didn't get to do in life... Be careful with your feelings of Love for this other guy however.. one can have the illusion that they are in love because of the Rebound.. it makes you feel more comforted to leave and be with someone else. Think things through carefully. you haven't really given us much information on your husband so I don't want to pass any judgements on the relationship. Ask yourself the one important question "Do you still love him"..

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