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Am I reading into this?

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Sorry for the long post....


Almost 4 months ago, I met a guy, Jay, at a concert through a mutual friend. We hooked up the same night. I didn't expect anything more out of it, but he pursued me, so we kept up our whatever it was. I say that because it felt like more than a FB or FWB, we connected on a deeper level. I would see him about twice a week and text just about everyday. In those meetings, we would talk about everything, for hours. He wants kids and what he's gonna name them, his religion preferences, his family life, I mean everything! He told me how much his exes hurt him and that he did have a heart. His ex decided to write him letters talking about how she regretted what she did and that she wanted another chance. He told me that he didn't know what to think about it, and what he was going to do.


Fastforward to the beginning of December...I asked him if he'd be around during the Holidays. Well he told me that he was going see his ex for Christmas and basically that they were gonna try to work things out (she lives in another state days away). I was completely blindsided and p*ssed. I admit, I cried for a couple days, but then said f*ck it and went NC. My pride was bruised.


Christmas day, I get a text from Jay, he wanted to see me. Talk about unexpected. He was alone on Christmas and I ended up going to see him. I guess I felt bad he was alone on the holidays. He was supposed to be with his ex. I asked him what was new with him and we talked about his trip and he said it only went so-so and that they might end up getting back together in 6 or so months. He told me he missed me and asked what was new with me. We had sex. Incredible sex. Then a friend of his comes over. Jay passed out and me and the friend end up talking. Apparently, Jay knocked another girl up and purposely omited this in the "what's new with you" convo. Honestly, I don't believe he would have told me unless I asked him about it, so I did. He admitted it. So, here I am messing with a guy who is supposedly trying to work things out with his ex, accidentally knocks someone up, and is screwing me all at the same time. Talk about crazy. I thought about what I was doing and why was I doing it. My feelings changed for him after finding out that little fact. I no longer want a relationship with Jay, but I do enjoy the sex. So I decided just to keep him around for that. I distanced myself and made it clear to him that my eyes were open this time.


The thing is, since I have distanced myself and let it be known that he is not the one, he's been contacting me more and not only for the one thing. I get texts and stuff in the middle of the day, which is new. I'm seeing him just about as much as I was in the beginning of our thing. We are talking after sex now, which in the beginning, that only happened before the deed. The other night he asked me if I was getting "squirrely" on him. It was completely out of left field. I was shocked because I don't send him any signals (that I know of) that would make him think that. Just the other day he wanted me to come over, but I was busy. Assuming that he still talks to the girl he knocked up, I told him to ask her to come over. He was like WTF? He seemed upset and said he doesn't see her anymore. Ooops, my bad for assuming. His job takes him out of town so I usually don't hear from him when he is gone, but he is contacting me even when he's gone now. I haven't heard anything else about the ex, either. Since Christmas, things seemed to have changed and I'm not sure if I am reading into this or what, but I don't want it change. I like what we have now. Drama follows that man around and I want none of it.

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