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Best compliment you've ever received...

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burning 4 revenge
Just yesterday, someone gave me a compliment that meant a lot to me, since it came from someone I like, admire and respect. She said "you do what you believe is the right thing to do, even if people react against you for it".

and then you went and poisoned your neighbor's dogs

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and then you went and poisoned your neighbor's dogs
Nope, just had the horrible dogs removed from my parent's neighborhood. What they've done with the dogs, is not my problem.
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I get carded at the liquor store every once and a while. Last time it happened I was picking up beer with my 28 year old FWB who was ahead of me, and they didn't ask him:p That was pretty awesome having just turned 40.

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I answered a question about my company to someone in China. They wrote back said thank you. Arrived from China looked for me, I was not there so they came back and brought me a gift. It was a bit of junk, horrible fridge magnet in the shape of a flower but such a sweet and nice thing to do.

I was touched.

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I've noticed so many negative threads on this board lately, that I thought I would try to change it up a bit. Time to feel good about yourself :love:


What is the absolute best compliment you have ever received?

That's easy to amswer:

Best one I ever received:

An anonymous person who paid for our bar tab ( me and six other guys, it was well over 100.00 dollars) while we were waiting for our flight in Chicago to go to Denver after a year in Afghanistan.

Edited by skydiveaddict
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