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Sex without a condom, anyone?

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It doesn't matter if your partner tells you they're negative. Go get tested together. See the results.


Today, 33.6 million people are estimated to be living with


HIV/AIDS. Of these, 32.4 million are adults. 14.8 million are women, and 1.2 million are children under 15.


An estimated 16.3 million people have died from AIDS since the epidemic began. 12.7 million were adults, including 6.2 million women. 3.6 million were children under 15.


During 1999, HIV-associated illnesses caused the deaths of an estimated 2.6 million people, including 1.1 million women and 470,000 children under 15.


Women are becoming increasingly affected by HIV. Approximately 46%, or 14.8 million, of the 32.4 million adults living with HIV or AIDS worldwide are women.


The overwhelming majority of people with HIV - some 95% of the global total - now live in the developing world.


By the end of 1999, the epidemic had left behind a cumulative total of 11.2 million AIDS orphans, defined as those having lost their mother before reaching the age of 15. Many of these maternal orphans have also lost their father.

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It doesn't matter if your partner tells you they're negative. Go get tested together. See the results. Today, 33.6 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 32.4 million are adults. 14.8 million are women, and 1.2 million are children under 15. An estimated 16.3 million people have died from AIDS since the epidemic began. 12.7 million were adults, including 6.2 million women. 3.6 million were children under 15. During 1999, HIV-associated illnesses caused the deaths of an estimated 2.6 million people, including 1.1 million women and 470,000 children under 15. Women are becoming increasingly affected by HIV. Approximately 46%, or 14.8 million, of the 32.4 million adults living with HIV or AIDS worldwide are women. The overwhelming majority of people with HIV - some 95% of the global total - now live in the developing world. By the end of 1999, the epidemic had left behind a cumulative total of 11.2 million AIDS orphans, defined as those having lost their mother before reaching the age of 15. Many of these maternal orphans have also lost their father.

I think that you did a wonderful thing by posting this!! I really do. And I hope that everyone reads this! Everyone seems to forget that sex is not simple anymore. And what scares me, is people are still doing what they are doing and no one stops to think about their lives being at stake. And not only their lives, but the lives of whom ever they come into sexual contact with. It really breaks my heart that people are just ruining their lives and the lives of others for something as simple a casual sexual encounter. Is sex more important than life itself? What happened to love and commitment?


Anyway, I really thank you for this post!!

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An EXCELLENT and most INFORMATIVE post! I do hope that everyone read it even if they gave no reply. More importantly, I hope they pay attention and that your post helps to promote safer sex by way of getting each other tested (many places provided dated cards when the test took place and the results so that, when shown to a prospective partner, it can be divulged by the laboratory as the card having been issued gives the lab the right to provide the information to anyone without defying the privacy act). Also I hope more people will use condoms ... I hope all people will use condoms! Thank you so much for your post

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