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If it was rape, why am I not upset?


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This is exactly how I feel actually.


I just can't understand why he would do that. Surely you're meant to respect the person you're with and not take advantage of them?


As I mentioned before, he does have a very high sex drive and so maybe he did get the wrong idea and just couldn't help himself. I just cannot understand the mentality.


It happened nearly a week ago and I just don't know whether to try to talk to him about again. It feels like nothing really happened and we've carried on as normal.


Thank you for responding so quickly xx


Seeing as this happened nearly a week ago AND with your fiance, this is a very serious issue that needs to be dealt with now.


I am assuming that you were intending on marrying this man, if he is indeed your fiance? He violated your trust and your body...huge disrespect.


You say it feels like nothing really happened?


I don't understand why you feel like nothing really happened??


I know some couples are into rough kind of sex - why, I'll never understand, but this could desensitize people to violations like the one you describe.

Edited by You'reasian
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This is a grey area. The way you describe him sounds like you have a very safe, secure relationship but your condition, healthy sexual relationship and strange coincidence lead to this.


Talk to him about it. Tell him how this made you feel. Be assertive.


It is not a grey area at all. She already said: "He has a very high sex drive and struggles to show restraint during sex (sometimes he can't stop if I ask him to, or will "finish" inside me even if I said it wasn't okay)."


This is VERY WRONG! Everytime she asked him to stop and he didn't, everytime he finished inside her if she said it was not OK, he violated her boundaries which means he raped her.


She should kick this guy out of her life. He is dangerous, it's as simple as that. Many serial killers have started out as rapists. It's very simple: they are unable to acknowledge the boundaries of others.


And never mind what he endured during his childhood. It's not because people suffer from abuse that they become abusers themselves.

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SparklyDarkly, has your neurological condition started since you have been seeing him? Please check if he has not drugged you... How are you now?

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  • 1 month later...

dude is a psycho, and yea you're one "i do" away from being in an abusive relationship. Hell your kids might even suffer from it. just saying. be careful

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SparklyDarkly, has your neurological condition started since you have been seeing him? Please check if he has not drugged you... How are you now?


Very interesting .. I watch alot of the forensic shows and if she has alot of stomach problems and headaches it could be arsenic poisoning. I could be wrong and she could have a true nuerological problem not related to anything the bf is doing.


But interesting that he watches her pass out and then he rapes her. If OP sees this , maybe she can have the doctors test her for chemicals in the body ?


As far as your bf OP. RUN ! Abusive men are always abusive men unless they receive deep counseling. Even then no gaurantees...This one tried to KILL YOU !


Don't EVER look back !

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  • 5 weeks later...

What a freak!Please stay away from that nutjob! He's a psycho! As for your "friends", I'd find new ones. Wishing you the best!

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