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Best Places To Meet Girls


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After what happened to me, I have decided not to persue girls that attend my school anymore. The risk to reward ratio is not in my favor. Therefore, I need to find a number of good locations where I can casually meet girls, get their numbers, and go out with them. I know this is the way most adults go about getting dates, but I don't know if teenaged girls would be creeped out by it.

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My situation as documented in my "Need Advice" thread is the reason for my behavior, but I've never tried to get a girlfriend. This method has worked in the sense that numerous girls have come to me rather than me putting in any effort. Of course, you're trying to get a girlfriend and I never wanted one after the girl I was obsessed with left.

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just about anyplace, really. the trick is to be friendly and approachable, without crossing over to the realm of creepy. girls don't like creepy, but usually take a shine to people who are interested in the things that they are


-- like to read? try the library or bookstore

-- into animals? volunteer or help out at a pet store or animal shelter to meet a fellow animal lover

-- hobby shops, college campus that offers seminars or courses that interest you -- photography, cooking, decorating, mechanics, etc.

-- churches also are a good place to meet someone, especially if they've got different social ministries that you can get involved in

-- concerts or record stores if you're looking for someone who likes music as much as you do


there's no limit of where to meet people of the opposite sex

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And remember, if you show a woman that you are interested in her and she thinks you're hot, it's cool. If she doesn't think you're hot, it's creepy. I was put in the creepy catagory a couple of weeks ago by just asking someone to lunch.

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Originally posted by longlegzs80

HELPMENOW: I will tell you where you meet women if you tell me where to meet men. ;)


meeting women in an area is about the same as finding men in the same area...








through friends' introducing you



and etcetera...but those are the common places anyway if it DOESNT include school or work


and helpmenow, what's the risk ratio...?

if you DO attend school, id say that's the best place to pick up chicks. i mean you guys already will have so much in common, same teachers...school activities..yea u guys can talk about so much. if i didnt havve college..i bet i wouldnt make friends as easy ..both girls and guys, so im just glad that im still in school :D

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is through shared interests. My SO and I met through a shared (unusual) hobby and our mutual enthusiasm was the stepping-off point...after a few years of friendship the relationship grew and going into year 2 as a couple we still share our original passion, plus more :o In the past, the most satisfying relationships I've had were also begun from a shared interest - believe me, it beats spending all kinds of time in the "finding-out-about" stage of things, since you already have common ground.

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