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what words!

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Hey there. I'll get right to the point. I send alot of emails to a guy friend I work with. We both send eachother at least two emails a day. Lately, at the end of each email, he's been putting these quotes from love songs that are pretty romantic. Ex: "the strands in your eyes, they color them wonderful, they stop me and steal my breath away." What am I suppose to think about that? Is he trying to tell me he likes me or something? This guy is normaly so shy and even a slight bit clued-out when it comed to girls, so why the sudden Don Juan words? Guys out there, if you did this, does it mean you like the girl??

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Wiser Woman

I think it's easier to say something in writing sometimes than in person to someone. If he is normally shy, this may be his way of expressing feelings other than friendship towards you. Seems like this guy may be sending some signals that he is interested in you in more than a friendship way. If the feeling is mutual, you might want to get together with him and see how things go. BE CAREFUL though if you work together. Make sure you know your company's policy on workmates dating if you think that possibility is there. And if you do get together in a romantic way, make sure you and he can handle things like adults if it doesn't work out because you'll still have to deal with each other in a work environment.

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Yes he definately trying to tell you that he has something for you.. Be careful with those work relationships.. they can really mess you up if they don't work out.. (personal experience with it)!!

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Hey there. I'll get right to the point. I send alot of emails to a guy friend I work with. We both send eachother at least two emails a day. Lately, at the end of each email, he's been putting these quotes from love songs that are pretty romantic. Ex: "the strands in your eyes, they color them wonderful, they stop me and steal my breath away." What am I suppose to think about that? Is he trying to tell me he likes me or something? This guy is normaly so shy and even a slight bit clued-out when it comed to girls, so why the sudden Don Juan words? Guys out there, if you did this, does it mean you like the girl??

I think this guy is most definietly interested in you. You have to take caution, though. If the two of you work together and you decide to make a go of it, you have to consider the possibility that it may not work out and then you're stuck working with the guy. You also might want to consider this, what if it does work out and then you're seeing this guy all day at work and then all night during your personal time? Can you handle that? Personally, I might just have to pull my hair out if I worked with my boyfriend. I love him to death, but if we worked together all day and then played together all night, it might grow too tiresome for me. It's nice to have a little separation in your life. Like one life for work and one life for everything else. But everyone is different.


By the way, do you even like this guy? If the answer is no, you may just want to cut to the chase and let him down gently. You can try something like, "I think you're a really nice guy, but business and pleasure don't mix." Anyway, good luck. Hope it works out well for you.

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