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I have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. 7 months so far. Honestly, it took him 3 years to get over his last gf who broke up with him. I don't want to be in this relationship anymore, he's much too needy, but I'm literally scared he'll show up at my door if I break up with him. We live in 2 different countries. I'm scared of hurting him, but I'm tired of this relationship. It's not what I want, and he tells me he loves me 24/7, but I really don't feel the same. I'm lying to him by telling him that I do.



I don't want to keep this going on any longer. He talks about marriage, and kids with me, and buying an apartment. I've only known him for 10 months!! Ahh, & to make matters worse he's interfering with my school work. He gets so pissed when I say I need to go study/do my work. To avoid fighting, I literally just stopped doing my work. But I'm an A student, and I'm so tired of messing up my grades for him.



I need someone to please help me figure out the best way to tell him I want to end this, and what to say. I don't want to be cruel, but I want to make it clear it's over. Thanks!

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Break up with him, simple as that. You don't love him, so why lead him on any longer? Just tell him the truth and then start no contact with him. He's making you unhappy and messing up your grades (and future) so why continue things with him? To me that's enough to break up with him right there, and you should be honest and tell him so when you do end things with him.

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Just do it. Why bother drawing it out.

Break up with him- have the convo and get it over with- then go NC right away and get back to your school work.

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Hello det,


I think it's good that you are sure about what you want, and that you don't let him put you under pressure with all his telling how he loves you etc.


My advise would be, tell him you wanna talk and set a date for that, I don't know what your usual way of communicating is, but I guess it would be good if both of you would have a functioning webcam. Tell him clearly how you feel, be honest, even though it might hurt him. You must be clear: You don't feel the same for him, you want this relationship to end, and you don't wanna stay in touch. And no matter how he will react, stick to your point and don't leave him any space for hopes you can't fulfill. It's the best for you both and will hopefully prevent him from thoughts how to get you back.


If he afterwards continues to contact you etc., don't react at all. By this it will be hopefully become obvious for him that you mean what you said.


Good luck.

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