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STD and Infertility

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I'm hoping that some of you may have an experience to share. When I was 20 and in college, I contracted chlamydia from a guy I was sleeping with (who was obviously sleeping with others without my knowledge!) To the best of my knowledge (based on when we slept together and the symptoms I had), the chlamydia was caught early on, probably within a month or so of my contracting it. I was on a course of antibiotics for a week, got a re-test, which was negative. I've never had any STD since then.


Here's where I'm worried. My fiance and I very much want to have children. I discussed my fear of infertility due to the chlamydia with my gynocologist, who basically didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. He said that while there is a higher correlation between infertile women and those who have had an STD (due to tube scarring) than with those who have never had an STD, it is by no means 100%, that the only way to know for sure is when I attempt to get pregnant, that there's really no tests he recommends going through now to determine my fertility status, etc. My fiance knows about my history. Certainly, we will adopt if we can't conceive. I also know about advances with infertility treatment (invitro-fertilization, etc.).


Perhaps I'm jumping the gun. There may be no problem at all. I am just so worried. I'm just wondering if any of you out there have experiences you can share regarding women you know who have had chlamydia and their experiences with attempting to conceive. Thank you so much.

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Have you even tried to get pregnant yet?? If you haven't I wouldn't worry yourself with all of this until it happens and then deal with it. I have known plenty of women that have had that and had kids just fine... My best friend had it and she had 2 kids.. what I am telling you is not to worry there is a very small chance that it will affect your chances of having kids and if you haven't tried don't worry so much it will only make you go CRAZY... Good luck with all of it and Congradulations on your engagement!

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Thank you so much for your response Magicklady. No, I have never even tried to get pregnant, so I know I'm putting the cart before the horse. I tend to be a worrier, such is my nickname!! Anyhow, thank you for your sincere response and your sharing. That does help put me somewhat at ease. I know it's silly to worry about something that may not even be the case, and even if it is, all will be ok.

Have you even tried to get pregnant yet?? If you haven't I wouldn't worry yourself with all of this until it happens and then deal with it. I have known plenty of women that have had that and had kids just fine... My best friend had it and she had 2 kids.. what I am telling you is not to worry there is a very small chance that it will affect your chances of having kids and if you haven't tried don't worry so much it will only make you go CRAZY... Good luck with all of it and Congradulations on your engagement!
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