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Should I have sex with my ex?

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My ex and I were together on and off for like 5 years and had a kid and were going to get married but I broke it off with her because we had alot of problems.. long story.. But anyways shes been texting alot of late and wanting me to come over and have sex.. She says shes lonely and horny... And I have been too.. but I dont want to get into a relationship with her.. Im scared it might give her different feelings towards me if we did he sex.. I just want the sex:) And thats what she says but... I dnt know.. Should I do it?

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You're going to end up with a psychotic ex on your hands.


Might as well go find yourself a hooker.

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The two of you share the most wonderful thing in the world; your child.


I think you should really look at why you broke it off. Are those reasons 100% valid and do they still exist today (or are the less relevant, or worse, more relevant). What are your aspirations and goals as far as a partner?


I have seen many relationships which one could define as 'troubled,' that in reality are actually fairly normal. Couples who seem to argue often or disagree, or have control or jealousy issues, or all the above, and they stay together for many, many years and (mostly) enjoy their life together!


You'll have a pretty good idea where you stand after taking a closer look at her and yourself and the REAL reasons why you split; you'll have to look deep inside yousrself on that one.


Oh, and in my humble opinion, casual sex with anyone is just not a good thing for either party involved in the casual sex; you or her, or any one else for that matter...

Edited by She's_NotInLove_w/Me
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Okay well... Im not gettin a hooker:) haha... I dont want to be in a relationship with her so I guess Ill just put my attention towards my daughter... And if someone comes along then good if not oh well:)

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For some people it works, for others it doesn't.

You should know her well enough to determine whether it will work for you guys or not but if you already have doubts whether or not she is able to handle it, I would advise you not to do it.

I tried it once, but broke out in tears during sex because I was still emotionally attached to my ex even though I had been horny and I had wanted to have sex.

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For some people it works, for others it doesn't.

You should know her well enough to determine whether it will work for you guys or not but if you already have doubts whether or not she is able to handle it, I would advise you not to do it.

I tried it once, but broke out in tears during sex because I was still emotionally attached to my ex even though I had been horny and I had wanted to have sex.


Thats terrible :(:lmao:

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Hit it then tell her to GTFO. Not exactly rocket science.


That would be my first advice if she had initially dumped him. I'd say to make it the best night of her life and then get up to leave, casually saying something along the lines of "Damn baby, that was wonderful, but I better get going. I have to meet my girlfriend for breakfast and I need a shower first."


But he dumped her and they have a kid. I say stay away unless you want to rekindle the whole relationship.

Edited by In_Repair
mind your own business
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Advice is what you ask others when you already know the answer, but either don't want to accept it or need to hear the same from someone else. You know it won't work out well, otherwise you wouldn't be asking us.

I would say that ESPECIALLY since you have a child together, this is a really bad idea. Just take care of it yourself & you'll be much happier in the long run.

The last thing you need is for it to go badly, then have your daughter affected by the F'd up situation it'll cause.

Sorry, but is the sex worth the pain???

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