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How to break up

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ok i was dating this girl for like 2 years. we broke up about 3 months ago. Right after we broke up, i met this other girl kinda on the rebound. She really likes me alot. Well, the problem is me and my ex are talking again and patching things up. Me and my ex are still in love with each other and we want to be together. Im not very good at breaking up, so i want to know how is the easyest way to break up with my current GF? I really don't want to hurt her feeling and i know i was wrong but i have to follow my heart. Please anyone, give some pointers on what to say to her or how to break up with her.

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Do it honestly and do it quickly. Let her know exactly the reason you are breaking up with her. She deserves to know that so she can learn a lesson about dating someone who is on the rebound. It will also be much better for her to understand and closure will be much easier than if you make up some stupid reason...like you need to find yourself or need space.


Be discrete, kind and compassionate in your language. But don't put this off. Do it today. It's not a pleasant thing for anyone. And don't you dare go back to this girl if things don't work out with your ex. Next time, give yourself some time between serious relationships and spare some feelings.

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ok i was dating this girl for like 2 years. we broke up about 3 months ago. Right after we broke up, i met this other girl kinda on the rebound. She really likes me alot. Well, the problem is me and my ex are talking again and patching things up. Me and my ex are still in love with each other and we want to be together. Im not very good at breaking up, so i want to know how is the easyest way to break up with my current GF? I really don't want to hurt her feeling and i know i was wrong but i have to follow my heart. Please anyone, give some pointers on what to say to her or how to break up with her.

I kind of agree with Randy. He said do it honestly and quickly. I think that he is right in saying that. Just be completely honest with her and tell her the situation. If you're not honest with her, this girl might hold on to some false hope and think that you two might get back together.


It's really the best way to break up with someone. And the most fair, I might add. Just give it to her straight and that should do it. Good luck. And next time (agreeing with Randy again) try to allow more time between relationships so that no one gets hurt because you're on the rebound. :0)

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billy the kid

be honest with both of them then follow your heart.. cut and dried it is that simple, just don't play games or wait.

ok i was dating this girl for like 2 years. we broke up about 3 months ago. Right after we broke up, i met this other girl kinda on the rebound. She really likes me alot. Well, the problem is me and my ex are talking again and patching things up. Me and my ex are still in love with each other and we want to be together. Im not very good at breaking up, so i want to know how is the easyest way to break up with my current GF? I really don't want to hurt her feeling and i know i was wrong but i have to follow my heart. Please anyone, give some pointers on what to say to her or how to break up with her.
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