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creepy guy

Boundary Problem

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Boundary Problem

I've decided to contact the RCMP about my creepy neighbour. I swear he has put cameras and microphones in my apartment.


I'll talk to them about putting in a security system.


My creepy neighbour is an ex-rcmp officer and he is getting creepier by the minute.


I think I'll give him 24 hours notice and then file a formal complaint.


May as well start a file on him, so if my body turns up they know where to start looking.

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Oeh dosen't sound good. maybe he's suffering from am mental illness and he might need to see a phycriatrist (sorry I cannot spell) Maybe you should change your locks or put a padlock or a bolt on the windows and doors. maybe gets some mates round to have a look for some hidden camera's as they some in all shapes and sizes the things (unfortunately) some people would probably call you paranoid but by the sounds of things your not the one who seems a little strange..I feel sorry for the guy, he must have issues. You could confront him as well, but maybe do it somewhere open if you get what I mean. With people around as he sounds like he might be parshly mentally ill and sometimes people are unpredictable. I thinks it's a good idea to contact the RCMP, as it might help him. searching for the camera's would put your mind at rest as well

Edited by FieryDream
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