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well i was again at mall and this man who works there is of hispanic desent and in regards to this i dave will reveal the simple thing that every time I by-pass the gentlemens warehouse this man shouts to me HEY LOVER-BOY well then there was the lad who throw the wet orange-julus at mine head and i just left mall all wet and without dick-lay or connassance of woman as intended well marta says that my gift for holiday is not normal and to this i will tell you that this is for the simple-reasion that i dave have no money Marta you ungrateful pig well if you have no use for a single-surgical glove,orange,an old key,a ball of-twine,pizza-cutter,and promotional video for ski-resort then i dave will just make like an InJUN and taKE back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL the soft-porn on squiggly-line manner of downstairs televisn at home hath revealed to me dave an inmage of love which i will tell you i hath named the gliding-donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well the toaster oven is warm and the pleasure of a saturatoion and maybe just some sex zn and a *&% girlfriend to have some sex with it is happy-holliday

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL the soft-porn on squiggly-line manner of downstairs televisn at home hath revealed to me dave an inmage of love which i will tell you i hath named the gliding-donkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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no use for a single-surgical glove,orange,an old key,a ball of-twine,pizza-cutter,and promotional video for ski-resort


Oh Dave, you are so creative! LOLOLOL!

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count yourself lucky WWDDFD, some of us are beginning to think we DO understand him and its very, very frightening!


He's young, wants to have sex, and has a rather warped mind and an even more warped way of expressing himself. He peeks at girls through a small hole in the wall of their shower room. Or he could be an ancient transvestite playing on his grandsons computer and missing his medication.


I find Dave rather entertaining! :D

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posted by WWDDFD

Am I the only one who can't understand what the hell this guy babbles on about?


Your not alone. I don't understand what this guy says.


posted by Errol

some of us are beginning to think we DO understand him and its very, very frightening!


When I first joined I didn't understand a word he said, but now I can understand some of the things he says.......... I'm scared now :eek:

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Dave has often given LSer's some comic relief and whether he is understood or not is aside the fact that he just plain cracks me up...... it all started with this one post that i came across.... and i have been an avid Dave fan sinse then..... ofcourse I need to share it with you..... The Beginning of it all

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I think lostforwords is the only person who can translate what Dave1234 is saying. I was reading "The Beginning of it all" and didn't understand what he said until lostforwords translated.


Dave1234, I hope you don't take this as me picking on you or anything bad related, I'm just trying to find out what you are saying.

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Am I the only one who can't understand what the hell this guy babbles on about?




And I absolutely refuse to take on these kind of head cases. They frighten the pee-pee outta me! :eek:

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a single-surgical glove,orange,an old key,a ball of-twine,pizza-cutter,and promotional video for ski-resort



Things to avoid while out on a date with Dave...

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Actually, now that I look at it, it appears that Dave may be running things through a babelfish translator, and he doesn't quite speak english.



Early on, there were 3 theories about Dave's stream of consciousness prose: babelfish, creative writing , schizophrenia.


I now believe it's pretty much creative writing with babelfish giving an assist.

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I can't even read any of his posts. They make no sense to me whatsoever


They're usually better on re-reads. What gets me are the neo-logisms and passive voice. It's the tone/style that makes the writing. Thematically, it's rather banal: frustrated adolescent male sexuality.


Been there, done that...

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I love "the Dave'....the work dicklay is now common verbage among sailors and shipyard workers!!!


Sorry Dave about the 'orange julius' incident. It's not the 'best way' to get all sticky!!!! You just hang in there Sweetie....sooner or later.....someone will appreciate you. :)

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