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I have been with this girl for almost 3 months now. And she is the most beautiful thing that happened to me in life. I have never been in love before. But I have very strong feelings for her. Around her I feel very safe and comofortable. Even though I have had some relationships, with this girl I am very open, and I feel I am very close, all the other ones have not evoked any strong emotions in me like this one is. I think too much of her, and care for her like I have never cared for anyone in life. SHe means a lot for me, she enlightens my life. SOmetimes I wake up in the morning and wnt to see her so much , and know that I cant see her, I get ver sad, and something inside me builds up, and today, my heart felt as if it could explode, cause I cant contain this any longet,,,,I have not told her about it maybe, thats what is bothering me.... I WANT TO TELL HER that I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!



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do it, you won't regret it! However, you must be prepared for any and all reactions -- sometimes what you feel is not what the other person feels at the exact same time, and chances are, what you tell her could go over like a lead balloon. But don't let that bring you down, because sometimes when you take that chance and continue to believe in love, things blossom -- it happened with me and my husband, who balked when I first told him that I loved him. Of course I meant it in the sense of friendship, he thought I was after a wedding band (that didn't happen for many many years, but he grew to trust me and love took over from there!). good luck : )

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