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I have a friend whom I share a mutual attraction with. We are both in serious relationships however and so nothing has happened between us.


He has recently started contacting me to ask if we could get together. He has admitted to me that he would like to have a day together with me - no strings attached. Although I am tempted, I know that it isn't right and would only cause hurt for everyone involved. The problem is convincing him that it isn't right. I've already told him no, but he keeps saying how he knows I'm attracted to him too and I've wanted an opportunity in the past. I'm afraid that if he keeps pressing about this, it will ruin our friendship.

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You simply need to tell him if he keeps pressing this issue, it could have adverse effects on the friendship. Then, if he keeps pressing the issue, show him just how right you were.


He is not a friend at all if he would put you in this most uncomfortable position, especially if you have been very clear about your feelings. If you have been vague or have left some doors open, then you must take the blame.

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Don't do it!! Sex is not worth messing up a Good relationship.... He is being a bit pushy if you ask me and I would tell him to back off... He is obviously not happy with his current mate sexually or he wouldn't be asking you for 1 day no strings.. He doesn't sound like anyone you should sleep with.. maybe you aren't the first woman he has done this to... Just go on with your life and leave him alone.. You know it isn't going to go anywhere and why make youself feel guilty for one day of Sex...

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