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long distance love

torn away

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I have a very good friend that over the last two years have


developed very strong feelings for. I know he cares about me alot, and we spent alot of time together before i moved away. I've lived in another country for a year now, and my feelings have not changed. if anything they got stronger.


I recently went home for a visit for three weeks. He was the first person i saw. he was soo exited to see me, and i know he had been thinking of me because his mother told me i was all he talked about. he told me he wants to come up to see me and stay here for a while. the only problem is that he is on IPS and cant leave for four years. even when he can leave getting into my country will be very difficult. he knows that getting married is the easiest way to come up here, and we joke about it all the time. i dont think he realizes that i would love that more than anything and i would jump at the chane to be with him. we have always had a sexual relationship, but mostly we have been friends. i know he loves me but i dont know if he loves me the way i want him to. i want to talk to him about it but i chicken out every time. every time he calls me to tell me how much he misses me all those feelings come back.


we never really dated, because once i began having feelings for him i moved out of the country soon after. i always figured it was too hard to pursue, and i figured i would get over it. its been two years now and i cant get over him. i really want to pursue this and make him mine, but i dont know how to go about it. i dont know if i should wait four years so he can come here, or if i should tell him now on the phone or in a letter, or should i wait till next year for my next visit home and tell him face to face. i feel like i need to get this out, and let him know. what should i do?

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Please pardon my ignorance but I may be the only person in the world who does not know what IPS is, but whatever it is (a disease, a legal thing, etc.), you said it would prevent him from getting into your country for four years and then there are even other difficulties involved. Why take the chance?


It sounds like the two of you really do love each other. If this is very important to you, you need to talk to him seriously and soon. The most expedient method of the two of you joining in a lifetime union is for you to move to where he is to avoid all the legal complications and the IPS thing.


(Please post back and tell me what that (IPS) is. I live in America and am so embarassed because I probably should know what that is)


I do not think you should wait four years. Many things can happen during that time. I also think that if you really love someone, you can go through a lot of emotional torment being away from that person and you can be tempted by other alternatives that may come the way of both of you.


My vote is for the two of you to be together on a permanent basis as soon as possible.


It seems in your case true love is only a plane ticket away!!!

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