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You should approach women at many places as possible


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I thought women considered this sexual harrassment these days.


It can be sexual harassment at work if you are not careful :confused: . Outside of work its a whole other animal.


Of course dont be a freakin stalker and everything is fine. If you dont hit on them they think something is wrong with themselves or you for that matter (like that you might be gay).

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I totally agree. EVEN if you don't get a date out of it, it's good practice on just TALKING to women. Eventually you'll get to the point where the rejection doesn't sting and you'll be MUCH more natural in talking to women and the confidence will shine through.

How often do you practice what you preach? :D

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I've had guys approach me at various places. A few have become friends, others I went out once and that's it. I haven't gotten a serious boyfriend from this. I did have a guy who weighed about 300 pounds, wearing dirty clothes with Confederate flag on them, and no teeth (no hair either but can deal with that), once ask for my phone number but I declined him. Then again if you are smelly, extremely homely (sorry, just stating a fact) or fat, then no I won't date you. If you are average looking, not dirty, relatively fit (not saying bodybuilder but not obese) and look like a nice person I will give you a chance.

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I have seen some men try to hit on women at various places. The vast majority of the time, these women would pretty much ignore these men. Even if these men were reasonably attractive and didn't say anything rude or disrespectful.

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I have seen some men try to hit on women at various places. The vast majority of the time, these women would pretty much ignore these men. Even if these men were reasonably attractive and didn't say anything rude or disrespectful.


If a guy is rude to me while hitting on me, I ignore him. If a guy compliments my boobs for instance I ignore him.

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Women WANT to be approached in public when the circumstances are perfect.


When they are single, in a good mood, and the guy is good looking.


When the guy isnt their type, they dont want to be approached. This isnt news.


I agree with this.


I remember when I was single I used to keep my eyes open on possibilities for meeting women outside of the bar and club scene and outside of dating sites.


I remember I'd go to the grocery store in my area looking nice, but 99% of the people in my area in the grocery stores are married and/or old.


I then tried grocery stores in the areas full of younger singles. Most of the time the women would not make eye contact with anyone. I'd see some on their cell phones constantly and doing anything to remain as antisocial as possible.


I'd go to the mall to buy clothing, but I notice even from women at my work that they shop in the expensive boutiques or online.


The gym was impossible...as every woman is locked into her own little world with the iPod standing as her "KEEP AWAY" sign.


I'd try meetups, as do some others here, but I noticed the attractive girls generally go to the "girls night out" meetups while the others are loaded with older and/or fatter folk.


Cafes and bookstores and even the street didn't help either. Again, too many women keep their blinders up and shield themselves from talking to anyone.


Street fests ended up with women in packs, and thus it was hard to penetrate without being seen as "creepy".


When I talked to female friends, I noticed a very big sense of fear and anxiety about people approaching them in the street. Again, they wanted things to be a in a controlled environment. Either they get introduced through a friend (so they know there is some level of safety) or on a dating site (where they can easily vanish if they want to) or in a bar or someplace where they look their finest and thus feel a sense of power.


It's not impossible, but not as easy as one might thinks. My best friend would try a lot to women on the street, but never get anywhere. He met his fiance through a dating site. I met my GF through a friend.


Social capital or a lucky match seems to be the ways to get it done now. Too many women now want things in a controlled environment where they hold the power to accept or deny.

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why is it that so many ppl advise men NOT to approach women at the grocery market, retail stores, etc?


Because it must be terribly annoying for women to be hit on everywhere they go.


Would you want every fatty on the planet chatting you up and getting your number whenever you were out trying to buy some cereal or take your car in for a tuneup?


Leave the poor broads alone.

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