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THats exactly how you tell her!!!


"honey, i would LOVE to please you, allow me to give you oral sex...Trust me,,he will say YES"


Good Luck, make sure he does it to u too

How do you tell a guy that you want to give him oral sex?
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billy the kid

well first you wait until you are alone with him at a time and place when and where it can happen. Then you just flat out say " honey, baby, Bob, james, Joe, Mark what ever I would really like to go down on you". few guys I know will turn you down..

How do you tell a guy that you want to give him oral sex?
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Try working your way down his body with slow soft kisses and see if he stops you (: My bet is that he won't.

How do you tell a guy that you want to give him oral sex?
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How do you tell a guy that you want to give him oral sex?

First, make sure he's male. It sets a damper on things if he isn't. You'll want to make sure he's seated, comfortable, and consciously aware of most of his surroundings. If normally if you have to liquor him up before he gets anywhere near you, try to line this up with a few moments of sobriety.


The actual confrontation part is the toughest, but once you cross the line, things will go quickly... downhill (no pun intended). Delivery is key. You may want to practice in front of a mirror a couple of times a day for a week or so until you're confident and able to clearly state your objectives and desires. If needed, go for two weeks to a month, but make sure to keep yourself from sounding too rehearsed. Should it simply roll off your tongue that easily? "Perhaps," he'll think, "she's had a little too much practice."


Finally, when the day comes, look Mr. Loverboy in the eyes, cuddle up next to him, and whisper softly in his ear that if his mother calls you again at work, you'll send "Nancy", the psychopathic operator/infomercial host, to her door to slain her with a phone cord. Mention things like "love" and "devotion".. throw in a few words like "commitment" and phrases like "fifty-year anniversary" and judge what his reactions are.


Now is a great time to engage in some self-thought whilst snuggled in front of the fireplace facade:


"Should my relationship be about the mechanical objectification of a sexual act?"


"Should I be so overly concerned about introducing a new process rather than letting feeling and emotion dictate the intimate details of my relations with this man?"


And finally, ask yourself: "Has the foreshadowed inflation of Listerine products placed me in a financial position I really want to be in right now?"


As silly as some might think this post is, and as stereotypical as some of the responses have been, I think you raise a good point. We live in a world where it is assumed that men want sex. You ask: "Can I give it to you honey?" and before the final syllable escapes your mouth, you expect him naked and thrown all over you like an uncontrollable wild wallaby. It says a lot about your relationship with this man and yourself simply by posting this question.


The dynamic that exists between yourself and the man with whom you're having this relationship with is one that exists solely between the two of you. Questions arise: Is he ready emotionally to engage in this level of a relationship with you? Do you both have compatible ideology in the realms of what's appropriate at this stage in your relationship? Is he comfortable with engaging in this sort of activity? Your inquiry suggests another, hidden question: "What will happen if I tell him that I want to give him oral sex?" You already know how to ask him.


The answer depends on a number of factors that we simply cannot derive from your posting. At what level of intimacy are you and this man engaged in currently? How big of a jump is this? Again, is he comfortable in partaking in this activity? These are valid questions and yours is a valid concern. The most effective way to get any answers is to sit down with him, in a non-sexual environment, and discuss the possibilities of sexual experimentation. Let him know you've been toying with the idea and get his thoughts on it. Ask him what he feels comfortable with and let him know what your desires are. Try to achieve an open, even level of compromise where you both feel safe communicating your needs and wishes without any sort of reproach. I know this is difficult, especially regarding a subject that's so taboo in our society. But once you climb that first hill.... well.. let's just say things will get easier as you both grow being more responsive to each other's needs.


Please do feel free to elaborate on the relationship you're currently involved in, and let us know how things go.


Best wishes,




P.S. - You may want to plan ahead. Questions like:


"How do I ask him to keep his pants on when he comes over? My mom almost had a heart attack the last three times."


"What brand of lip balm most effectively deals with the effects of repeated chaffing?"


...can be easily solved with a little forethought.

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Are you already sexually active with this guy? You don't give much information to go on.. If you are sexually active with this guy... just do it and see what he has to say about it.. I am sure if it is something he doesn't want he will tell you.. (most men however will not complain when you do).. Good luck

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