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New Years Resolutions

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Happy New Year everyone,


Only made a couple of posts on here, but the advice seems good so far and is all backed up with real-life experiences most of the time (or a money back guarantee? :D )


New Year, new start, how many of you are going to be making New Years resolutions? I have made 7 so far (Had to carry a failed one over from last year). Wish me luck, but with a little effort and bit of support from here when I need it I am sure things will be just dandy.



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1. Cherish friends/family more and tell them I love them more often.

2. To not initiate contact with the ex anymore.



That is all.


Here's to 2004!

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In general I try to avoid new year resolutions b/c I tend to never stick to them.


A couple of years ago I simply started the new year off with a fresh start. Nothing drastic but I'll rearrange my house and room and give the whole place a good cleaning and organizing. Gets me in a positive mood which tends to last the first month of the new year.


So I guess you could say that my neverending year's resolution is to be well organized (a hard thing for me), and in a positive mood.

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My resolution is to not have as many hangovers as I did in 2003!


Oh my! I should start going to meetings! LOL

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