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Tips on meeting quality men


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What are you wearing right now, babyyyy?


couldn't resist.


Sounds great overall, keep the talkative wingwoman, you will learn to appreciate her overtalking as you can use her to set picks and can spin off away from undesirables and leave them fawning on her while you move onto the next. For a first night, sounds like you two make a good team, and you will only get better together as you gain experience. She will probably tone down her overtalking also.


As far as what to wear, you are a far better judge of your closet than we are. You want to give a sexy girl next door image, as opposed to "party girl" or "icy boardroom look" for maximum impact on us and approachability if that helps any.


We do need quantified data to assess this, or at least you do, how many men approached, quotient of those desirable, avg talking time with each before number is asked, how many numbers you gave, how many call and how long they wait? Spreadsheet it up Jakey!


You may have a book on your hands, but just remember the little people you met on the way up, and of course my fat royalty check. :cool:


EDIT: Oh one last thing, you will be running into the same men eventually if you go to the same places, a mnemonic or small notepad may be in order to write down names and descriptions.


Heh, I'll write a rough draft and market my book, then hire you to edit it with your 176-pt Scrabble words :cool: Maybe I'll even dedicate the book to meerkat stew :p


I'm brilliant at remembering names and faces; it's one of my talents, but I'm definitely going to track my data to see what works!


Mostly I wear casual dresses, or sometimes skirts, because I've been losing weight lately and I'm really self-conscious in most of my pants (sooo baggy in the bum and thighs :(). It seemed to work well enough last night, but I might try jeans, a nice top and heels tonight.

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