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pregnant he does not want baby


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God will not take care of her family and babies. God will not feed, clothe and love them. God will not make her relationship any better. If God really was paying attention, she wouldn't now be pregnant with an unwanted child.


I have to say this is one cruel statement.

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As the OP hasn't mentioned any religious reasoning behind her dilemma, I think it would actually be more respectful to keep the 'God' thing out of this.

This is unnecessary religious proselytising and dogma, has not been sought and is intrusive, invasive and frankly insults the OP.

Rather than bombarding the OP with your extreme and fundamentalist religious opinion, it would be kjnder to show more compassion for the OP rather than try to pull a guilt-trip on her.

That is an extremely un-Christian thing to do.


I'm actually going to report these posts, and hope the Mod sees the justification in it.

If it earns me a rapped knuckle, so be it.

but I think your intrusive presence is doing more harm than good, in this case.

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As the OP hasn't mentioned any religious reasoning behind her dilemma, I think it would actually be more respectful to keep the 'God' thing out of this.

This is unnecessary religious proselytising and dogma, has not been sought and is intrusive, invasive and frankly insults the OP.

Rather than bombarding the OP with your extreme and fundamentalist religious opinion, it would be kjnder to show more compassion for the OP rather than try to pull a guilt-trip on her.

That is an extremely un-Christian thing to do.






Anything that I posted that could have been construed as abrasive - was in answer to the adversaries posting on here in judgement of Tigereyes' having this baby ..


Sorry - but I consider the life of a baby, a lot More Important than the opinion of a comic book character (warrior) representation ..

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I have to say this is one cruel statement.


It's not cruel. It's real life. OP is going to have to figure out how to raise a fourth child. Praying to God isn't going to put food on the table, and it's deeply insulting to say "God will take care of it" to someone who needs actual help.

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My opinion isn't printable....

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Let's get this back on board and leave God out of it, shall we? She has already decided to have her baby- that is not a question. The question now is if she can get the father of the baby on board with her decision.

I think if there were already problems in the R, a baby will not fix that. You simply have to decide if you can raise this child on your own.

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The truth often "seems" cruel but rarely is.




There was no "truth" in the statement that Pure was calling cruel ..

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Let's get this back on board and leave God out of it, shall we? She has already decided to have her baby- that is not a question. The question now is if she can get the father of the baby on board with her decision.

I think if there were already problems in the R, a baby will not fix that. You simply have to decide if you can raise this child on your own.




The poster originally stated that she was not sure what she wanted .. I tried to show proper encouragement toward a decision regarding having the baby .. I don't regret that, or of speaking to her adversaries..


I cannot do anything about the "father" of the baby .. The life comes first ..

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The poster originally stated that she was not sure what she wanted .. I tried to show proper encouragement toward a decision regarding having the baby .. I don't regret that, or of speaking to her adversaries..


I cannot do anything about the "father" of the baby .. The life comes first ..


No you didnt, you preached at her, told her what to do and then you guilt tripped her all for good measure!

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No you didnt, you preached at her, told her what to do and then you guilt tripped her all for good measure!




"preached" in response to her adversaries who were calling her selfish, and questioning her Right to have the child.

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Nobody questioned her right to have the child, of course she has that right. People pointed out that logic should be considered AS WELL AS emotion. Raising babies is hard and expensive and will divert funds and attention from her three existing children, whether she believes in and prays to any gods or not. This is a fact and should be considered in the decision-making process. If she has made her decision, well and good and I'm sure everyone wishes her luck. But I agree that religious platitudes and guilt-trips were unhelpful and uncalled for.

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Aside from the fact that his sperm fertilized the egg - if he doesn't want the baby, It is of no importance, what he wants.


And you are probably tired by now ... But, regardless: The baby comes From God through the woman .. The baby is a human with the heart cell attached from time of conception .. Although it may seem like a lot right now, bringing a fourth baby into the world - I think you should definitely follow through and have your baby .. You will never regret you had this child, but you would regret if you didn't carry the baby to term..


Men may come and go, but when you reach the end of your life, you will always be greatful for your children ..





Above is my orig post. Not a "guilt trip" .. but Factual..


(always glad to do whatever I can, to save a life) ..

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The truth often "seems" cruel but rarely is.


Hi Linwood,


Cruel doesnot equal truth.

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Above is my orig post. Not a "guilt trip" .. but Factual..


(always glad to do whatever I can, to save a life) ..


Hi CN,


I always find it interesting that anything can be said in the liberal sense, although once a conservative view is said it is attacked and called all sorts of different negative labels.


To the OP, there are a lot of helps out there, if you want PM me and I can head you in the right direction as far as attaining assistance in the areas you need ;)....you will never regret having your baby...I look at my grandkids and am just so happy for them...they are onery, but I would give my life for my kids and grandkids....in a spiritual sense I have laid down my life for them :laugh: !

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