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Old Flame Still Ignited


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ok, my problem is that i'm still completely in love with my ex boyfriend from last year. we had an on-again-off-again relationship until he broke up with me for another girl. Since then we didn't really talk and then we've started talking but itz not the same as it was before. Then he's been going out w/ some of my friends and then some of my other friends also like him alot but the feeling isn't returned. The thing is that lately there's been alot of sexual and emotional tension and I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for me because I've also been seeing his step-brother lately so i don't know if that means anything. please, any advice is greatly appreciated.

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It nice that you like to keep your lovelive within friends and family.


You are very vague in your post. I am assuming there has been a lot of sexual and emotional tension between the two of you. That sounds really great considering you are seeing his step-brother and he is seeing your friends. You really know how to cause problems for yourself and your lovelife. If you have your eyes on this guy, maybe you can make him jealous by seeing his stepbrother, but you can also piss him off to the point he won't want to have anything to do with you.


Are you dating his step brother because he is seeing some of your friends? It is extremely immature to play these types of very childish games with the feelings of other people. There may be a remote chance that both of you need to grow up a bit.


Relationships revisited are seldom like they were before they ended. I feel you should look forward rather than backward. And, unless you live in a town with just a handful of people, try to date those who aren't related to or close friends with other people you've dated.


The sexual and emotional tension could be some naturally occuring property in the small circle you travel in. You may want to try to sell the movie rights to what sounds like a real soap opera drama.

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With time you will be able to sort this out yourself. For right now I would recommend keeping some distance between you and this guy. You mention all these factors that are causing complications, which gives me the feeling that you know it is bad news for you to be with this guy, but are just looking for some reassurance that your current actions are right. For now, I don't think they are, try to get over him, enjoy your current boyfriend, let time take its course.

ok, my problem is that i'm still completely in love with my ex boyfriend from last year. we had an on-again-off-again relationship until he broke up with me for another girl. Since then we didn't really talk and then we've started talking but itz not the same as it was before. Then he's been going out w/ some of my friends and then some of my other friends also like him alot but the feeling isn't returned. The thing is that lately there's been alot of sexual and emotional tension and I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for me because I've also been seeing his step-brother lately so i don't know if that means anything. please, any advice is greatly appreciated.
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This guy left you for another woman and you want him back because why?? I think it might be smart to keep your distance like Aria said and enjoy your new boyfriend.. don't mess things up with him to be with your old love.. sometimes when you see someone you have dated and they still look good you tend to want them again.. NOT a good move at all...


Good luck with all of it

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