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How an Emotionally Neglectful Childhood Can Leave Someone Vulnerable for an Affair

Devil Inside

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Yes, it is possible to sustain passion in a long term marraige if both partners put the marriage first! before job, kids, chores, extended family.


The secret is to not grow complacent about the marital relationship and to treat each other as when you were first dating; bring your BEST self to the relationship, have fun, and really listen to each other.


Agree. I see this with my father and his W. As much in love now as they ever were, all those decades on :love: I see it with my H's parents. I see it with some of our friends. Passion is possible in a M - but only if you're willing to subvert the notion of it being a M.


However, DI, I believe first you must work on you and your own issues. Then you can work on the marriage and see if it will meet your needs.


Agreed. Until you know who you are and what you want, you can't possibly know if you can meet the needs of another, or they can meet yours. It's a bit like drawing up a CV and applying for a job - unless you know what your skillset is, how can you know if you're right for the job?

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