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Does She Like Me??

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I really like this girl


I need to know if she likes me


She seems really shy around me, like looks down when she says hi, we get on well. Although ushually we ony talk through AOL messenger, she seems to look at me and then turn away, although im not sure if its just because `im looking at her, how can i tell?


It all started off a few months ago, at a party she was totally checkign em out, although i was to shy 2 make a move. The last party i was at she was looking at me aswell. Although she was dancign with loadsa other guys. But whilst she was she was lookign at me, and she never went further than dancing with them. On another occasion my mate helped her out, and sed he would only help her if she danced with me, and she sed yes.


She is shy and i realised that she was dancing with a loada guys that she was freinds with. Was she trying to make me jelouse? New years eve was the same, loads of looks. I went to talk to her and i just clammed up. She was acting in a simular was as if she was shy or nervous.


What can i do? How can i tell if she likes me? She seems shy, how can i make her like me? Is she just to shy to tell me she likes me?

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ok one thing is you never know some people can be distracting it seems like she likes you but you never know. If you want her to like you help her see you. Once a person gets to know a person it's generally a definite flat out yes or no for like a person.

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Well if she does liek me, what shud i do?

She is a year older than me, but we are in the same 6th form, should i get to know her, or just rush in. How cna i tell that she lieks me 100%, what does an 18 year old intelligent good looking girl want from a guy?

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ok one thing is don't rush in. My brother's tried it and it'll probably scare her. Talk to her see if you have anything in common. Cuz what she may seem to appear like isn't what she truly is. Just get to know her. She'll see hopefully a good character. Good Luck :)

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just ask her out for a coffee or ice-cream or lunch or whatever else comes to mind!


don't take it so seriously, just spend some time with her, ask her about herself, tell her some things about yourself, ask if she has a good time with you, etc, - see how that goes.


have fun,


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I found this in an article from Psycology Today:




Women from places as different as the jungles of Amazonia, the salons of Paris, and the highlands of New Guinea apparently flirt with the same sequence of expressions.


First the woman smiles at her admirer and lifts her eyebrows in a swift, jerky motion as she opens her eyes wide to gaze at him. Then she drops her eyelids, tilts her head down and to the side, and looks away. Frequently she also covers her face with her hands, giggling nervously as she retreats behind her palms. This sequential flirting gesture is so distinctive that [German ethologist Irenaus] Eibl-Eibesfeldt is convinced it is innate, a human female courtship ploy that evolved eons ago to signal sexual interest."

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Nothing like whateverology to take the fun out of whatever. Anyways, yeah, she likes you.

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