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Oh lord things suck

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Hi all


I have been dating this girl for a long time we had lots of problems, but I have been trying really hard to work out are differences. Here some background highlights about our relationship


1 she cheated on me when I was in the military.

2 She was like hanging out with the guy she slept with and made it sound like they had always been just friends till i found out the on my own.

3 she really doesn't call me to see how I m doing. I always have to call her, and have pointed this out to her.

4. She puts her friends interest before me, if her friends call her out she out of their and will not get back home till really late on the weekend. Keep in mind that the weekend is the only time we really get to see each other.


Ok here what recently happen that made me really upset. She just told me that she going out of town on valentines weekend and didn't even tell me about it till after she got the plane tickets and made all the arrangements. We are talking about Valentines Weekend here! Needless to say I was in shocked. I later pointed out that I felt like a second fiddle and that she not very thoughtful and caring. She stated that I'm the only one that says that, I pointed out maybe its because I'm the one that is always the bench warmer in her life. Am I being overly sensitive or is she really not very thoughtful and caring. I really need some objective opinions


thanks in jdavance





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Sorry to say but I really dont think she cares about your feelings and is definitely out for herself - sounds like a very selfish individual and has proved this to you time and time again.


You deserve someone who puts you first and treats you with respect, why do you even want this girl?

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If what you're saying is true ( and I believe it is), then you're being jerked around by this girl big time. Even though I detest valentine's day, if you two had definite plans and she does the plane ticket thing, I'd kick her to the curb. She's not being honest with you at all. I'd be willing to bet there are other things she's doing that would upset you even more. Get out of this before you get your heart smashed

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If what you're saying is true ( and I believe it is), then you're being jerked around by this girl big time. Even though I detest valentine's day, if you two had definite plans and she does the plane ticket thing, I'd kick her to the curb. She's not being honest with you at all. I'd be willing to bet there are other things she's doing that would upset you even more. Get out of this before you get your heart smashed



Well we didn't have plans, but I mean its the weekend which is suppose to be our time I can understand if she talked to me first about it, but she just kinda of made up her own mind and made a decision. I on the other hand whenever there a decision that is going to affect our relationship I always tell her ahead of time before doing anything and ask for her input before I make the final decision. Apparently she thinks that I'm just being overly sensitive and that girls would understand where she coming from.

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I am a girl, that whole thing is BS. Valentine's should be for the two of you. When you told her it upset you, she in no way should have responded in a way that judges the "rightness" or "wrongness" of how you feel about it. So what if other people agree with her, a relationship is not an opinion poll, it is a bond between two people, and she should have tried to help you feel better.

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