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6 Yr Marriage over? Any Hope?

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Yep, exposed baby! Going to contact wife tomorrow. All her family knows now and her facebook. I dont care anymore, its so done. I am tempted to let her and his work know that they used the company phones for over 600 minutes in a 2 week timeframe. I know where I come from those minutes cost money....and well the economy isnt that hot here in Michigan. Messing with a pissed off Marine now!


I almost feel sorry for her....nope, nevermind.....nothing:p

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I asked her if she slept with him and she said no. I am sure she wont tell me anyways...she lies! I have a few e-mails. Take a look at this one. Do you think they slept with each other? Maybe makeing out? Who knows. I say yes. I want her to tell me yes!





I can't help worry that you now feel like this was a bad idea. Don't feel that way myself but this obviously means alot to me since I am so scared it's going to end. I can't put into words what I felt this afternoon. I feel like I am being ripped into two. The pure joy and unadulterated extasy I was feeling in that car were followed by feelings of frustration, disappointment and the realization that I have some HUGE decisions to make.

I have never been to spurred to action by someone. I am sure this is going to sound crazy but I want to get back to school tomorrow so I can be a better man for you. A better support. I just met you and I am feeling this way...am I losing it? I have asked myself this many times since I first heard you speak at RSC. I can't explain it any other way than I feel your energy and am drawn to it...alot.


Remember I told you about energy healing? Reiki. It talks about the energy centers that line up through your body. There are 7. My energy center is in my pelvis and it's orange in color. My mother's was yellow. My mother could pick up on peoples' energy aura like crazy. Meet someone for the first time and BAM she'd know them. I wish she was here. I would be over there right now to wake her up and ask her advice. Seriously we were that close. I even woke her at 2 am once tell her I got my first BJ...I was very conflicted about things that happened and she talked to me about it till 4am.


I know an answer will present itself here. I, who am not much for praying, have been doing so since I saw you drive off today. My energy is sparking like a roman candle and, for once in my life, I have NO clue where to go from here. I am usually the answer man...or am expected to be here. I am at a lose here.


I still feel everything I wrote you last night. I feel that more now than before. I just don't know how to express it. I fear I won't have many opportunities. I fear this is a dream and I am going to wake up and cry.


I can still smell you on my hat and I can't take it off. Think it will be odd if I sleep in it? What would my family think haha.


I took several pictures of my lips...don't like any of them. Will work on that. I am going to print a pic of you and carry it with me. Like you and Dr. Rao haha. Who am I kidding. It's not like your face isn't right there every time I close my eyes...


Boy I'm rambling...SO much I want to ask you...tell you. Song:Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition.


At doctors then running around town. Will text when I can.



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Sorry, it appears to be!! That is unbelievable.....


Look, I like a man that can express himself.....but that is ridiculous. I also like a bit of romance.....but come on!!!


That email made me want to throw up.....yuk


You are so much better than that.

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Yeah I thought it was pretty corny. What a loser, along with my wife. He is married with kids and so is my wife....makes them perfect for each other! Wow cant wait to drop the bomb on the OW.

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Yeah I thought it was pretty corny. What a loser, along with my wife. He is married with kids and so is my wife....makes them perfect for each other! Wow cant wait to drop the bomb on the OW.



You should post the email on Facebook for all to see. I never read my husband's emails or text messages and after reading that email I am actually glad.


I exposed to the OW husband too. He already had an inkling but had no idea of the details. He was shattered and sort of short with me. But I recently got an email from him and he was very sweet.


He was described by my husband as 'not a good person'. Yeah right, he would say that.....

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LOL! Most people have never had a pissed off Marine on their @zz! :confused::eek::mad: But you can bet your boots and saddle to this day that you won"t have any problems getting $20 back at the local Walmart off your debit card with the cashier closing the drawer and having to wait 15 minutes for a CSM. :mad:


And you won't have to worry about the local post office delivering certified mail to anyone but the recipient. :eek::mad:

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I feel as sicken by that e.mail as the ones I found between Lowly and his GF.


I replied "thank you for f*cking up mine and my childrens lives. I hope you are very proud" I then went outside and threw up.


I feel for you and I hope you remain as strong because you will need to draw on every bit of it as possible. EXPOSE. Screw his life up too as his wife deserves the truth. Keep us posted and lets hope you can get custody.


best of luck


Nobby xx

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Well, what a day! She woke up and was immediatley pissed that I posted. Little rant on her facebook so she deleted that account. Looks like it's over. She keeps telling me "why are you going to ruin the OW life". I am like speachless, r u serious. My family is being ripped apart. She just concerned about the other guy. I am trying to get ahold of OW, I have a suspision he is going to tell her before I do.


I brought up me fighting for custody and that didn't turn out so well. Bunch of insults and mud slinging about anything and everything wrong with each other. I am just going to let her have em. Who am I kidding, I'm a active duty Marine. I would be better off in some distant 3rd world country providing freedom for my kids.


I am sad yet at peace with everything. I do deserve better. Somehow it seems that she has become the victim. Whatever time to start a new chapter in life. Semper Fi

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babe. dont be defeatest about your kids.


make a balanced aproach about who will give long term balanced care. If she is off shagging owt that has a pulse...........hello?? Is that what is best for your babies? NO.


just my thought babe


nobby xxxxxxxxx

A strong balanced commited life is what they need IMO

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Well, what a day! She woke up and was immediatley pissed that I posted. Little rant on her facebook so she deleted that account. Looks like it's over. She keeps telling me "why are you going to ruin the OW life". I am like speachless, r u serious. My family is being ripped apart. She just concerned about the other guy. I am trying to get ahold of OW, I have a suspision he is going to tell her before I do.


I brought up me fighting for custody and that didn't turn out so well. Bunch of insults and mud slinging about anything and everything wrong with each other. I am just going to let her have em. Who am I kidding, I'm a active duty Marine. I would be better off in some distant 3rd world country providing freedom for my kids.


I am sad yet at peace with everything. I do deserve better. Somehow it seems that she has become the victim. Whatever time to start a new chapter in life. Semper Fi



Oh Hell no! Don't YOU do it!


I've not said so but I'm one of the survivors of the Beirut Bombing of 83"


Depression, PTSD. Survivors Guilt! You name it ~ I've got it!


Time to man up!


BTW ~ tommorow I'm going to call and get some help with all of this~ I just can't keep drinking and crying over what's was and already did and done!


I lost 241 souls that day!
























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Thanks a lot for the encouragement! The affair seemed to have fizzled out. He has not contacted her since I emailed him. I was mistaken I guess when she went with him to the movies, it was a prior sat. Whatever, same sh@". I friend the OW but no response yet. Wife keeps saying "why r u going to mess her life up". Gtfo.


I just wished she wasn't in the same house honestly. But we r thousands of miles from family. I told her to get going.

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Gunz, I hear ya! I got an appt with attorney tomorrow at 1000. I will see what he has to say. I need to find one that is well versed with military. So I should go for it still eh?

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Chrome Barracuda

You make sure you file for a divorce and follow through. and please inform the scumbag's wife she has a right to know what kind of man he is. Your wife is an idiot!

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What is this with "don't mess up the other family". They are so f***ing in denial. I didn't do s*** up anyone else. I feel a responsibility to let the other spouse know. I know it's painful but it's more painful when you stumble upon your spouse cheating and behaving as if it isn't a very big deal.

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