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can someone please help me.


i have been dating my girlfriend for almost 2 and a half years, and i find it so hard to trust her.


i cheated on her once and she found out and things have gone back to normal. but i keep getting the feeling that she would do it to me.


please dont tell me that i am a hippocrite because i know that i am.


i just wnat to be able to trust her as i love her more than anything in the world.

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Just because you cheated on her, does not mean she will cheat on you too. Maybe the reason you dont trust her is because, you can not be trusted yourself, maybe you think that she does not trust you, you have to believe in TRUST, if you LOVE her, you should trust her, and try not to cheat on her because you think she would cheat on you too,,,,If you can not handle this TRUST thing, then it will happen again, so be CLEAN on your part, and the rest is not up to u, the rest is up to her. The most important thing is that you have to TRUST yourself with her...


good luck

can someone please help me. i have been dating my girlfriend for almost 2 and a half years, and i find it so hard to trust her. i cheated on her once and she found out and things have gone back to normal. but i keep getting the feeling that she would do it to me. please dont tell me that i am a hippocrite because i know that i am. i just wnat to be able to trust her as i love her more than anything in the world.
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In psychology, they call it projection. That is when you project your own qualities or tendencies, good and bad, onto another person. In this case, since you cheated and therefore would consider yourself untrustworthy, you see your girlfriend as untrustworthy as well.


The only cure to your problem is for you to somehow become trustworthy or to stop thinking that just because you are a cheater that everyone else is, particularly your girlfriend.


Your girlfriend does not need to pay a price for your own untrustworthiness.


You probably don't trust a lot of people because you know you can't be trusted yourself.


You have a very serious issue here with causes probably beyond the scope of this forum to deal with. You might want to see a psychologist to help you out on it.


If you don't trust your girlfriend after seeing her for 2 1/2 years, you ought to free her so she can find someone who won't cheat on her and then not trust her. You really don't have any use for a lady you don't trust and she really deserves someone who does trust her and doesn't cheat on her.

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If you want to trust her than just DO.. the fact is there is nothing you can do about it if she does decide to cheat... all you Can do is drive yourself and her crazy worrying about it. If you just feel like you can't trust her than your best option would be to just leave her alone. If you keep it up she will leave you eventually anyway because jealousy causes more problems in a relationship than someone actually cheating does.. Are you afraid that YOU might do it again....??? That might be one reason you don't trust her.

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billy the kid

you prob. will neve trust her or any other woman because you can not be trusted, and you know that. so what to do.. do you believe in reincarniation maybe in the next life you can be truthful..... been there, done that, got her t-shirt....

can someone please help me. i have been dating my girlfriend for almost 2 and a half years, and i find it so hard to trust her. i cheated on her once and she found out and things have gone back to normal. but i keep getting the feeling that she would do it to me. please dont tell me that i am a hippocrite because i know that i am. i just wnat to be able to trust her as i love her more than anything in the world.
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