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Food Fetish Or What ????


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Ok I have a strange question here. I really would like to see if this is anything or not.


I had this girl who claimed she liked me. We worked together. One day we ordered sandwhichs and I was in my office eating and she was in hers. Then somebody came and mentioned to me that she hated her sandwhich. So being the pig that I am decided that I would take it. Well I took her sandwhich and she got mad and made me give it back to her. A few minutes later she comes over to my office with a little piece of her sandwhich and says here eat this, there is alot of cheese on it. I have NO clue what cheese had to do with anything. So I ate it. I just got the feeling she liked that I ate her food.?.? Then a week or so later she made some Pasta and brought it to work. She gave me bite of it. Then whenever I came back she then would give me some and feed it to me like a baby. When she gave me some I saw this look in her eyes where I just knew she got something out of me eating after her. So once again a few weeks ago we was out eating at this resturant and somehow it came up about me eating after her and she said "remeber we shared a fork."... I said do you get something out of me eating after you? She said I am just that comfortable with you. Over time this continues every time we eat she offers me something. Next when we was out eating I started to notice that she started to drink Mountain Dew like I do. She never drank Mountain Dew before, and now she is. I have read somewhere that woman will do things like this they will try to like what you like. So everytime I needed a refill she would always say here just drink some of mine. She would of course offer me a bite of her sandwhich and If I declined she would say come on its good. Then she also would eat most of it then she would hand over what was left for me to eat it. Also once I was trying to figure out what this is about food So I had this cookie and I told her to feed it to me, and she did. She broke it up in little pieces and fed it to me.


I know this is a extremely strange situtation but what was she trying to do???

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The Velvet Vixen
I have read somewhere that woman will do things like this they will try to like what you like.
An insecure person will try to emulate the habits, tastes, style, etc. of another whom they like, because they are eager for acceptance and believe this increases the likelihood that they will be accepted by that other. A secure person will feel comfortable just being himself/herself. It has nothing to do with gender, but rather with self-confidence or the lack of it.


I don't know about this "food fetish." I've never heard of anything like it. Maybe feeding you and allowing you to share her food and eating utensils is an attempt on her part to raise your comfort level with her, in order to establish intimacy. She obviously likes you a lot.

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An insecure person will try to emulate the habits, tastes, style, etc. of another whom they like, because they are eager for acceptance and believe this increases the likelihood that they will be accepted by that other. A secure person will feel comfortable just being himself/herself. It has nothing to do with gender, but rather with self-confidence or the lack of it
This really makes sense I never thought of it this way. I would just REALLY REALLY like to understand why she did the food thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you cant get more primeval than food. its a bonding thing, like a mother feeding a child or a pride of lions eating together. sounds to me like shes one passionate lady.


it may be something shes just discovered - when she said she felt comfortable with you, it may be the first time shes noticed this food thing and the intimacy of your shared private-in-public moment triggered it. or maybe she watched 9 and a half weeks too many times.

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