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Visit gets closer..communication slows?!

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Hey everyone..it's been a little while but me and my law school SO are still at it!! It will be a year in March. I looked back on my older posts and realized how far we have come.


I am flying up to see him for V-day this weekend..last visit was Halloween weekend. Anyway...it seems like as we get closer to seeing each other..I don't hear from him as much. I mean like even the day that we travel to see each other..we only call each other when our flight actually gets there. Is that wierd? Do you all go through that too?

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Always happens with me and my guy, and it doesn't really bother me. Mainly cause each time before he comes back he's really busy with packing and settling his apartment (has to move every term), and also because I know I'll be seeing him in a few days, so I'm okay with not talking to him everyday. :)

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agreed this is normal...especially the day of, there is barely any contact just a couple "at the airport!" "just landed" texts.


maybe it's wanting to save up stories/i love yous/i missed yous for when you are actually together?


i do this when we have a phone date...don't text the few hours before because it seems silly...

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I agree, this is normal, in my case, I'm just saving things that are happening in my life to share them with her in person. I'm not in a long distance relationship but I only see my SO over the weekends and that way we have more to talk about when in person.

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LOL, I'm the opposite of just about everyone here in this forum!!


Mathew and I annoy the crap out of each other right before a visit. We talk just about constantly, making plans, packing lists, reminding the other to do something before coming down.


When I fly up there I talk to him via msn on my blackberry from the second I get in the airport, until takeoff, and from landing until boarding the connecting flight. That's just the way we are. We're one of those couples that are happy to be on the phone with nothing to say as long as we can hear each others voice.


When he drives down here he calls me every 30 minutes to an hour after he gets in the US just to let me know he's okay.

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Lovin a scrapper
LOL, I'm the opposite of just about everyone here in this forum!!


Mathew and I annoy the crap out of each other right before a visit. We talk just about constantly, making plans, packing lists, reminding the other to do something before coming down.


When I fly up there I talk to him via msn on my blackberry from the second I get in the airport, until takeoff, and from landing until boarding the connecting flight. That's just the way we are. We're one of those couples that are happy to be on the phone with nothing to say as long as we can hear each others voice.


When he drives down here he calls me every 30 minutes to an hour after he gets in the US just to let me know he's okay.




Rayette and I do the exact same things as you and Mathew. We are constantly in contact.


I cant believe that we are in the minority on this!!!

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That's interesting. I kind of wish we talked like that..it would ease the nerves. but I can dig it the way it is. I am a big communicator and that's what's soooo important to me. Sometimes I can't understand his way of communicating but I've had to compromise a little bit on that because he is in law school..and I've had to leanr how to give him space.


And you know what else..no matter how many times we do this..I STILL get nervous as if we've never seen each other in person before. It will be a year in March...It's krazy..lol


Thanks guys!! =)

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