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I've known this girl 4 like my whole life & I wanna ask her out... Help


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I've known this girl 4 like my whole life (15 years of it)(i'm 16) & I wanna ask her out, cuz it seems like a relationship that would work. (thats a 1st) But I'm also freaked she mite say no, and then both aspects of the relationship are dead! HELP ME!!

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DO NOT ask her out to some huge overkill "date". Just ask her to see a matinee with you. Ride your bikes together somewhere and have ice cream. Go swimming or skiing, or stroll the waterfront and have coffee and pastries at a little cafe. Zoo or art gallery. Talk. Have fun. This will NOT ruin a friendship. Take it slow and deepen the current friendship and it will become easier.

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This is my reaction to your situation!! GO FOR IT!!! I had a friend of mine not ask me out and we'd known one another forever! The feelings were mutual, but he never acted on them, which made me a little bummed, but I was able to move one. I now have a bf and he is bummed and kicking himself for not making the move sooner!! I would say: Dont move too fast, get to know one another in the dating relationship rather than just the friendship realm of things and just have fun! DOnt put too many stresses or "WHAT IF's?" on it! Youre only 16 take her on a simple date out and go with your gut!!



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